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f a2 lt.ltun rttia asitatfen. 5 5 anti theprideofthine heart bathdeceiucdthee, thou that deielles°I in the cleftscf the Rocke,and keepe t the height ofthebill: though thelefhoulaefi #nape thy neFt suhigh as the Eagle, Iwillbring thee dotvnefrom thence, faith the Lorde. Or pleafure,and dainties : to fuch their bellie is theirGod.Philip.3.t4 .Or in phy.. fìrians. 2.Chron.6. z 2. And e,-gfa in the nineand thirtiethyeereofhis raigne, w011 difeafed in his f ete,andhis difeafewas a trtame, yet hefought not theLord inhis difèaafe,btit to the Phyfutirns. Briefly,to this place principally may bee ad., loyned that diueliih conftdence,whichMagitians,and all fuchas take aduife at them ,doeputin thediucll,and his workes.Leuit.20.6. Iftry tame afterfinch &work! ruithffiirites,nndatfterfeothfayers,togoea whoringaftert hem,ther. will ¡let my face agaiasstbeatperfon,andwallcant himoffromamong thispeople. II J. The loueefthecreature, about the loueofGod. Matth; i o. 37. Het that loaiethfatherormother more thenme, isnot worehie ofme, andhe that lo. methfonneor daughtermore then me,isnot worthie o f taue. Iob. i 2.4 . 7heylo. sedthepraifeofmarn,rore then the'rageofGod. Tothis belongethfclfc-lout. I V. Hatredand contemptofGod, when man flieth fromGod, and his wrath,w.henhe punithcthoffences .Rom.S.7.Thswafddrneofthe Jh,isenmi- tiewithGod.Rom.1.3 0.Haters ofGoddaers ofwrong. V. Wantofthef careofGod.Pfatin,36.r.Wickednec faith to the wicked ouan,eueninmineheart,thatthere isno feareofGodbefore their yes. V I. Feareofthecreature,more then the Creator. Reu. 21. 8. Thefearefull andvnbeleeaaing, J1,allhaue theirpart in the 14k! which burneth with fireand brimF one. Matth. i o. 28, Fearenot themwhich lillthebody, butfearehimthat cancall6th bodieand[mile intohellfire. Ierem. r 0.2. Benot afraidof thefîgnes ofheauen,th.iugh theheathenbe afraidoffuch. VII. Hardnes ofheart,or carnali fecuritie,when a man, neither acknow- ledgingGods iudgements,norhis owne finnes,dreamethhe is fafe fromGods vengeance,& fuchperils,as arife from finne. Rom. 2.5.Thanafter thane hard. nefe, and heart that cannot repent, heapefl to thy felfe wrath againfl thedaye ofwrath.Luk.z i. z 4. Takeheede toyourfelues,leaftat any rime,your heartsbe ®tpreffedwithfurferting, anddrnnk_enneffe,andcaresof this life, andleash that daycome onyouas vnaruares. There all doe ioyntly ingender pride,whereby man afcribethall hehath that isgood,not to God,but tohis owne mcrite,and induflrie, referring,and difpo. fing them whollyvnto his owne propercredit. r .Cor.4.6.Thatyemight ¡carne by vs,thatnomanprefoame46oue that which is written,tliatone f a ellnot againft another, feranymans caul. vert. 7. For who f parateth thee?or what hat? thou, that thou haft not receiued? if thou haft receireedit, why reioyceft thou, a.r though thouhadfl notreceiued it?Gen.,;.5. Goddoth&naaue,that whenleefhall cate thereof,ycur eyesfhallbeopened.andye/hallbe as Gods,k¿norvinggoodande- gill. The highell ftayre ofprides ladder, is that fearefuil prefumption, by Whichmany clitne,ralhly into Gods feateDofmaietlie; as if they were gods.