Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

56 e or era t e cati es A6:I2..2, 2.23. The peoplegavea choute, Paying, The tiyceofgod, andnot of man : Butimmediately the4'ngellof theLordfmotehim,becaufe hegamenot glorie vntoGod,fo that vpofwormes, j-gangvp the Ghos7.2.Theff. 2.4.Which is an adrrerfarie,a.,dexaltethbirr,felfeagainfizallthat is calledGod, or thatù'orfhrppedfothat hedot h itaQGodinthe7empleofGodf evinghim. fefethat he is god. CHAP. 21. Ofthefecond corn:nandeme. nt. Ithertohauewe entreated of the firí} Commandement,teachingvs tò entcrraine inour hearts,and to make choyceofoneonelyGod. Theo. ther three ofthefirí} Table, concerne thatholy pro':eilion, which we muff maketowards thefameGod. Forfirf}sit is neceffaric to makechoyce of the true God. Secondly,to make profelìionofthe fame God. In theprofeflion of God,we are to confider the parts thereof, ,ante the, time appoynted forthisprofcflìon. The parts are two:The íolemne worfhipofGod ,and the glorifyingofhim. The fecond Commaundcment, defcribcth fish lilyand folcmne worfnip; as is dueuntoGod. The worth ofthe Con: niande:nent aredhcfe: Thou !halt make theenograven image,neither any fmilitude of things which are in hcauen aboue, nei- ther that are in the earth beneath, nor that are in the waters vnder the earth : thou fhaltnot bowe downe to theca ,neither ferue them,for'I am theLord thy God,.a ielous God, vifting the iniquitie of the fathers vpon the children,vpon the third generation, and vpon the fourthof them that hatemee, and íhew mercy vnto thoufands, vpon them that loue mee andkeepe my Commandements. TheRefcltrtion. Thou haltnot make :;This is the firí}part ofthecommande-n- enrfforbidding tomake an idol: Nowan idolis not onelyacertaine reprefentation,andimage offonae famed t;od,butalto*ofthe trueIdiom!). Thewhich may beeprooued ágainti the Papii}s by theft, arguments. The e: all is,Deut.4: 11,16. Take there- foregoedheedevntoyour felarer; for) eePaw no image in thedaye that t)eLord fpakevn oyouinHcreb;ors: ofthe irìddes`iofthefire , that yeecorrupt not year f lwes,and tuckeyouagraue,t ár' eor reprefontatlon ofanyfigure : whether it be