Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

of/sivation anddamnation. 57 bethelt1enefTeofmal orfemale, Out oldie wordes uttered byMores, a tea. fonmay beframed thus. If lefamenoitrnage(nanse ofGod)yefhallmrakenone Batyefary noimage,onely heardavoyce: Thereforeyefhall make no imageofGod. he fecond reafon: That idolatrie which the Ifraelitescommitted, the very farne is prohibited in this commandement. But the Ifraelites idolatrie was theworfhipofGod ira an image,Hof. 2, a 6. At thatday,faith the Lvrd,thonfiait calla:: no more Baali,ba>t f art cal melfhì. The goldencalle was an imageof God: for when it was f;nifhed , Aaron proclaimed that tomarrowfhouldbe aPali to Iehoa:ah. Exod 32. 5. And the fame calf& is rearmed an idol.A.7.4 t. Therefore theworfhippingofGod in an image is hereprohibited. Any (mittenitnage],Iieere the moreípecrall is put for the more general], narnely,a grauen image for all counterfeit meanes ofGods wcríiip. Thc fir+ partothecommandement is here illuftrated,byadouble diftria bution. The fire is drawnefrom thecaafes. Thomfhalt not makf iree any idoll, Whether it be engraue:o inwood, orfions:or whetherit bepainted in a table, The fecond, is taken from the place, Thoufiait notmake thee an idoli of thi, g esin heaven, asHarrar a::dbirdes:or intheearth,ar ofman, wotnan,beaJter:or under theearth,asfi(11es. This place is fo expounded byMofes,Deut. 1. the 2o. verre. Thoufbalt not bow damne to them 3 This is the fecondpart ofthe commaun- dernent, forbidding Amen to fall downe before an idoll. In this word, Bowe downe,is againe the ijicciall put for thegenerali: for in it is inhibited all fained worfhip ofGod. For I]Thefe wordesare aconfirmationof this commandement , perfwaa. ding toobedience,,by fòure reafons 1he Lord](which asflrong)The firCt reafon, God is firong, and foable to reuenge idolatrie.. Ileb.i o.3 r . AjealousGod]This Beech is taken from the eftateofwedlocke: ferGod is called the husband ofhisChurch.Efay.54,5. Ephe. 5,26.27. And ourfpiri= tuall worflrip,is,as itwere, a certaine mariage ofour foules, confecrated vnto the Lord.Ier. 2.2.Trememl er theewith thekindnefe ofthv oath , andthe loue ofthymariage,when thouwentefl afterme in thewiderne e,ina landthat was notfrnure, Hereis another argument drawn from a cóparifon ofthings that be Iike.Gods people:nuff alone worfhip him, bccaufe theyarelinked rohim,as a wifeis to her husband,vtatr whomealone flee is bound : therefore ifhis peo- ple forfake trim,] betroth theirfelues veto idols, he will vndoubtedlygiue the.' abillofdiuorcement;and they 'hall be no more cfpoufedvntohim.: Vqiting],To viIt,snot only to punith the children forthe fathersoffences, but to takenotice, and apprehend them in thefame faults : by reafon theyare giuenouerto committheir fathers tranfgrelfions, thatfor them they beepuni.. flied, ,