Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

58 Theorder ofthe tau(es fled, And this is the third reafondrawne fromtheefieetes ofGods anger. Hate me] It maybe,this isa fecretanfwere, the obieEtion whereof is not here in expreffe wordesfetdowne,but maybe thus framed. what ifwevfe 1- deist° inflame and excite invs a loue and remembrance oft hee. The anfwcreis this by the contrarie : rammay think,thatretsrvf-ofida!s kitsdlethin you a?otee ofme,butit itfafarfrom that,that alfachas vfe thecannot shoofebut hate me. Shen, mercy] The fourthreafon deriued from theeffectes ofGodsmercy to fuch asobferue thiscommandement. Here may wee firfiobferue , that Gods .mercy exceedeth his iuflice. Pfal. r 03.8.TheLord isfoilofcompaifion&mer. eie,flow toanger,andofgreátIZindnesver, s7.TheIouing kin4ncr ofthe Lord,en- .durethfer euer:verf.9. Hewill not alway chide, neitherkeepe his angerforeuer. Sccondly;we maynot furmife , that this excellent promifeis made to euery one particularlie,who isborneof faithfull parentes. Forgodlic lfaak had god- leíic his fonne,andgodleffe Saul,had godlicJonathan. Thenegating. part. Thou fhait neither worship fallegods, nor the true Godwith falleworship. Many things are here forbidden: I. ThereprefentationofGod,byan image.For it isa 1ie.Habak.2.t 8.what profiteth the image ?forthe maker thereofbath made it animage anda teacher oflies.Zach. vo...Theidols hautfpokenvanitie.ierem.zo.8.Theffocke is_a doc- trineofvanitie.The Eliber bath this.edi&Weshought it not meete to haueimages in Churches, leaft thatwhich rs worihippedand a- dored, Amidhe painted vponwanes. Clement.booke S. ad Iacob. Dom. That ferpent by others is wont toteakc thefe words: Weiin honour ofthe inurfi6le God, are accufiorredtoadore vifible imager, the hich out ofall controuerfie, is veryfalfe. Augufi in histreatifcvponthe i t 3.Pfàlmc. The image alibofthecroffe andChrifl crucified, oughttobe abolifhed out ofChurches,as the brafen ferpent was, 2.King. i8.4.Hezekiah is commended .forbreaking in recces the brafen ferpenttowhich the children of Ifrael did thenburne ittcenfe. This did Hezekiah,albeit at thefirli this ferpent was made by the Lords appointment. Numb.a 1.8. andwas a type of Chrifis pafsion. Ioh.I.14.0rigen in his7.bookeagainfi Celfus.We:permit not any to adoreTe- fusvpon thealtars in imagesorvponChttrchwalles: 6ecarifeit is written,Thou flairhaue noneothergods butme. Epiphanius, in that epifile which beewrote to JohnBifhopof Ierufalem, faith, it iragainftthe:cuFtorneof theChurch, tofie any image hanging in the Chrsrch,whetherit bee of Chrift, orany otherfaint, and thereforeeuenwith his ow tehands rent heafander the vaile,whereinfnch an imagewaspainted. Sonicobe& the figureor ligne, which appeared toConfiantine,wherein befnouldoutcome: butit was not theligneofthe crotte (as thePàpifts doe trtfiingly