Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

of'aludion4nd dampiatbff. 59 triflingly imagine)but ofChriasname:for the thing was madeofthere two greeke letters z P conioyned together, the life ofConfiant, booke z. chap. 2,25. Neither ferue the Cherubims,which Salomon placed in the temple, forthe defence of images: for they were onely in the holy of holie(3 , where the people couldnot fee them. And theywere types ofthe glorieofthe Mefliah, vnto whome theveryAngels were fubie& : the whichwehauenow verified in Chril?. Ifanyman reply,that theyworfhipnot the image, butGod in the image let himknow, that the creature cannot comprehend the image of the Crea- tor;and ifitcould,yet Godwouldnotbee worfhipped in it, becaufe it is a dead thing : yea,the worke ofmans hands, not of God : and therefore ismorebale then the finalle(iliuing creature, of the which wee may lawfully fay, it is the worke ofGod. This euinceth,that nokinde of diuineworihip bclòngeth toan irnage,eithcr limplyorbyrelation, what fo cuer the fophifikall fchoolemen Tangle to the contrarie. If any manbe yet defirousofin iages,hemayhaueat hated the preaching of theGofpell, a liuely imageof Chri(I crucified. Galat.3 . r OfooltjlJ Galatians, whobathbewitchedyoga, thatyeeAortldnot obey.thetrttth,ta whom Ief +.r Christ beforewas deferibed inyotar fight:,andamongyou cruc:faed?; The like maybe fayde ofthe twoSacraments. Andihat:fayingofClemens is true, inhis fifth bookeofRecognit. lfyouwill true y adore the imageofGod,doegoodvetoman, andye /hallworfliphistrueimage:for man is the imageofCod. II, The leaf/ approbation ofidolatrie. Hof:_z 3.2. They fayone to another whitest theyfacrificeaman, let themkill thecalates,Now akiffe,is an.externall. ligneofform allowanceofa thing.Gen.48. i z . Therefore it isvnlawfull to beeprefent at Moire, orany idolatrous feruice, thoughour mindesbe abfent. z.Cor.6.2 o. rearebought with aprice.therefore .fla^fe Godinyour hodie,and inyourffirites,whichare Cods.Ronì. t 1.4. What pith the Scripture? Ihate refernedunto rsy felfe fawn thottfand men, which banenot bowedthekxee toBaal. Eufeb. .booke. The Martyrs,when they were haledveto the temples of idols,criedoart,andwitha /godvoyce in themiddest of their tortures teftified,that they were not idolatrous facrifacers,but profefedand conflan: Chriftians,reioycing greatly thatthey sought makefauchaconfefon. That which maybeobie61edofNaaman theSyrian,whoworfhipped inthe templeofRimmon,isthus anfwered, thathee alitnot withpurpofe tocom- mit idolatrie,but toperforme that ciuill obeyfance,whichhe was wont to ex- hibit to the Kingsmaiefiie. 2.Ki ng.5.z 7.1 8. Andfor this caufe, are vtrerly forbidden all fuchproceflions, playes, and filch feaf}s, as areconfecrated to thememoriall,and honourof idoles. Exod.. 3 2.6. They rofevp thenext day in themorning, andofferedburntofferings,and broughtpeace offerings : all thepeoplefate themdown toBate anddrinke, and rotevp toplay, i .Cor, i o.7,1,1leitberbye idolaters asfameofthemwere, asit is writte,a.