6o The order oftheeaufieç written,&c.AndPaul (t.Cor.8.4. to the ende)earneflly dehorteth theCorin- thians from fittingat table in the idols temple ; albeit theyknoll, that anidefl , ç nothing in theworld. Tripartitehiaorie,booke 6 chap.3 o.(;ertaine f uldiers re- fufed toadore,is thec,&orsewas,the banner oflitlian,inwhichwerepainted the images ofIripiter, e l ercurie,and C tars:others bringagaine the rewards, which they,after theyhadburnedincenfeon analtar in the mperours prefence, hadreceiteed :Crying, that they were Christians, avidwouldhue anddie in that profeffon: andasfor their formerfafl,it wasofignorance :yea though they had polluted bandswith idolatryofthe Painims,yet they ¡cpttheirconfcsi:ces cleave. I 1 L All reliques andmonumentsofidols : f©rthefe,aftcr the idols them- feluesare once abolifhed, mull bee ratedoutof all memorie. Exod.z 3 . x . Te ,}Ballmakenomention ofthename ofothergods, neither Pallitbe heardoast of thymouth.Efay 3o.22. Andyep° iallpollute thecoueringofthe imagesoffalaer, andthe richornamentofthe images ofgold,andcif themaway asamenftruoua cloath,andthou'bah fay unto it, get theehence. 1V. Societiewith infidels,is herevnlawfull,ferueth not onely to maintaine concord,but allo to ioynemen in brotherly loue. Ofthis focietie there are ma- nybranches. I he firft,is marriagewith infidels.Gen.6.z.7he fansofGodfaze thedaugh- tersofmen that they werefaire, and they toeIe themwinesofallthat they liked. Malach.z.t t. ludafhhathtranfgreffed,andanabominatióis committed in ?fra- el,andin lerufalem :for7udah bathdefiled theholineffeof the Lord,whicbbee loued,andbath marriedthe daughtersofaJ1raungegodEzra.9, 14.. Shouldwee return tobreake thy cornmaundements, and wyne in ajfiinitie with thepeopleof fuchabomination? z.King.8.i8.Hewalked in the aíes ofthe Kingsof?frad, as did thehoof of Ahab :for the daughter of i hab was hiswife: and bee did cutll in the fight oftk,e Lord. The fecond, is the leaguein warre : namely, amutual' confederacie to al- oneanother in the fame warre,and to haueoneand the fame enemies.Tihis is fundrie waies impious: I. Ifit beevnlawfull tocraneaffiaance of Gods e- nemies, it is likéwife vnlawfull to indent with them, thatwee will affifl them. I I. It obfcurethGods glory,as though he himfelfe,either wouldnot,or could not ayd hisChurch. I 11. It is a thoufand toone leawe beinfeaied with their idolatrie, andother impieties. I V. It endangerethvs to beemade partakers oftheir punilhments. 2 .Chron. t 9. z. And lehu the fanneofHanani theSeer, went ant to rncetehim,and aid to King Iehofharhat, wouldeftthouhelpe thewic- ked, and lone them that hate theLord? thereforeforthis thingis thewrath of the Lordvpon thee. The third, is Trarque: as when a man wittingly andwillingly, doth, in hope toenrich himfelfe,tnake fate of fuckthings asheknoweth muff fettle to an idolatrousvfe.Thiscondemneth allthofe marchants,which tranfport wares to idolatours,and fell them frankencenfe,waxe,cloath,or other fuchthings as helpe them in the leruiceoftheir idols, The