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®fatttation anddamnation. en The fourth,is tiiall offuites in lawe before Iurigeswhich are infidels, vi hcn Chrifflan courts may be frequented but dtheycannot, and we haue to deale with infidels,vvc may appeale to infidels. t.Cor.g.6. Brother goethto lawwith brsthery ndtbatwider tnfideIs. Aet.25.t I. Paulapp'altthtaCaefar. Theftfih,is the \,vorfhippingofthe beatt,and receiuinghis marke.Reu.t4.9. 'prymanworfl sppe the beafi, and his imzge,andreceiee the markeir, hisfore- head or in hts .hand. veri: i o. Thefame hall drink!, ofthewine oftbe wrath of Clod. This beaft is the Church ofRome, I mean not thatolde, but this new Rome,now no better then anheteticalt and apotla tic all Synagogue. V. Will .vorihip,whenGod is worfhipped with a naked and bare good intention, not warranted by theword ofGod. Colofl:2.i which thi gsin. deed haue afhewof-nu/done involsrntarie religion, and husr bleneffe o fm,nde, and in not/caring thebodie: neitherhaue they it in eftimatton tofat-1'A. theftefi, I .Sam. i 3.9, i o. Ana Smile fiid, Bring a burnt offering to rile, andpeace offe- rinSs : andhe offered rt burnt offering. Andadfooneat he hadmade an end ofof- fering theburnt offering, behold Samuel came, and verf t 3 . (aid to .Saul, 7hou haft donefooltAly., thou haftnot kept the comet wider ent of the Lordthy God, which hecommanded thee. Hithertomaywee addepopith fiFperititions in fa orifices ,meates,holidaies,apparell, tcmporarie and beadridden prayers, indul gerices, auflue life, whipping,ceremonies,gelures, gate,conuerfation,pilgri- mage,building ofaltars,pi 9ures,Churches,and all other of that rabble.. To theft' may bee added confort inmuficke in diuine feruice, feeding the eares,not edifying the minde. 1.Cor.r4.i5 What isit then? Iwillpraywiththe fpirit,hut Twill praywith the vnderftandingalfi. I trill(Ingwith thefpirit,but I w:Ilfang with the vnders`landing ajo.luflinusMartyr in his booke ofChriflian quæft.andAnf. i 07. It is not thecuftomeof the Churches,tofng their meeters. with anyfuck ¡aideofinFtruments, c c, but theirmanner is ones to vfe plaine- fong, Lafliy, monaflicall vowes, which L repugne the lawofCod that vn-- chafl vowofTingle lifc,andproudproinife ofpouertie doe plainly euince : For he that labourethnot,mufnot Bate, faith Paul : And it is better tomarrie, theft toburn rn luff, faith the fame Paul. I I. They are greater then mans nature can performe : as in a tingle Iife,to flueperpetually ctrail. III. Theydifanull rhriflian libertie,and make fuch things neceffary,as are indifferent. I \ . They renne Iudaifine. V. They are idolatrous, becaufe they make themparts of Gods worfhip,and efleeme them as meritorious. V I. Hypocrifie,which g;i- ueth toGodpainted worthip, that is, if you regard outward behaviour, great finceritie ifthe inward and heartie affections, none at all. Matth. P5. Hypo- critec, wellh.athE(aiaspropheciedofyou,faying, Thispeople commeth neere,me with theirmouth, and honour me with their lippes,bsit their heart isfarreliont me. Pfal, 0.4.The wickedman is [o proud,that he/cecketh notfor good.' Theeffe6ls ofhypocriteare there : i. To feeke the pompe and glorie of theworld, and by all inanes toenrich it felfe, notwithllanding it make a glo. riots Ì;i