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in this life. 45 *-Let nomansheartfaite hires becattc of Goliah : Tl yf ruant wi lgosandfight o I Sam. t7 with the Philis`Tins. And Saule faide P to Dauid : "Thou urt notableto ad: Vitt ;3. L. gainfl this ¶Philiftìne tofight withhim:for thouart but a boy, andhee isa man P ofwarrefromhisyo,itth. Dauid anfwered, that hee was able to fightwith, and to flay the vncircumcifed Phililfine. And the ground ofhisperfwafion was taken from experience : forthus beelaid : q Thyfernant Inept hi.rfathersfheepc, q Ver.34e and there camea Lyon,andlikeWifeaBeare,and'tookeaSheepcout ofthefuck, And r 1went out after him andf»ote him, and tooke it out of hismouth, and when hearofe againfl. mee,l caught him by the beard, andfinote himandflewe r Verf. 3 g. him, f Sot. byferuantfleW both the Lyonandthe Beare: Thereforethis vrcir- fVcre cumcifed '1'hilifline f allbee asone of them,feting beehathrayled on the bosh ,.3 5. ofthe listing God. Thelikeproceeding muff be in matters concerningeternal' life. Little Dauid refembleth euery Chriffian : Goliah and the artnie ofthe Philiflines,refembleth Sathanand his power. Hee therefore that will bee re- folued, that he ¡hall be able to ouercorne the gates ofhell, and attaine to life euerlaffing, mufflongkeepewatch and ward ouerhisowne heart,andhemull fightagainfl his ovine rebellious flefh; andcrucifie it : yea hemull haueexpe- riencesäfGodspower ílrengthninghim inmany temptations,beforehe !hall beefully allured ofhisattaining to the kingdoms ofheateen. XXII. Thus much concerning faithitfelfe : now follow the finites andbenefits offaith. By eneanes of this fpeciall faith, the elea are trusty x. joined vnto aEplie.3. Chríff, andhaueanheauenly communion and fellovvf nip with him; and there- 17. fore doeb in fotne meafure inwardly feele his holie fpirite mooning and fir- Vniö With ring inthem,as Rebecca felt theTwins to fir inher wombe.Chriffis as c the Cb i "`h' Ephe.?. keade the bodie; euerybeleeuer as a member of the fame bodie : nowas Zò, the head giueth fenfe and motion to the members, and the members leek Ephe. i. 19 themfelues tohaue fènfe, and to moue by meanes ofthe heade : fo lothChrift i.Cor. i 3 . Iefits reuiue and quicken euery true beleeucr, andby his heauenly powerma- E e 16 ch.r kethhimto doo thegood whichbee doth. d And as from the flock, fappe is p zz. W , 3, deriued to the grift, that it may true andgrow; and bring foorth fruite inhis comtru- kinde : fo dooall the faithful( that are grafted into Chriffthe trueV ins. And nie; with as the griftlofeth his wilde nature, and is changed into the nature ofthe ffocke, do n.ó.q. and bringeth forth good fuite: fo in like manner it is with them that are in S. Chrifi, who by littleand little ate wholly renewed e from euill togood. iot . r 5. r,2 XXIII. Ephe..t.t?, Theele&beinge thus ioyned vnto Chrifi, receiue three wonderfull bene- 16. fits from him, Uglification, Adoption, Sanatfication, Uglification is, when e A" s 9' theeleo}being in themfelues rebellious ¡inners, and therefore firebrands ofhell fire, and Gods owneenemies, (yet by Chrift theyareacceptedofthe Lord as f t Corr. perfeóìlypure and righteous beforehim. ;c4 XXIIIT. Cor.5,2 This Ittffifcation iswrought in thismaser,.Sinneis that ti\hicktnaketha Iuuifcati&. D d nun