220 The order oftheca#fes the inheritanceacheSaints,and offuchas are madeheires ofthekiugdome of Chrift.Coloff z. i 3. Againe, looke for whomChrif+ is anAduocate , and to themonelyis he a Redeemer: for redemption and intercefsion,whichareparts ofChrifts prieft- hood,theone is as generall and largeasthe other, and are fo Purelyvnited and &tiered together,as that onecannot bewithout theother. ButChrift isonely anAduocate oldie faithful lob. t 7. in that his folemne prayer,hefirfi prayeth for hisowne,nantely, his Difciplcs, elec`1cdnot onely to the Apof+Iefhip, but alto toeternal life : and then,verfe o.hcprayethlikewife forthem that fhould belecue in him by their word. Nowagainft thefe, heoppofeth theworld,for which he praicth not that it mayattaine eternal] life. And, Rom.8. Who!hall cciefe Gods efed. ? Chriff liittethOtt theright handofthe Father,andmal¿eth in- tercefonforvs. Furthermore, the members ofChrií s Church, are called the Redeemedofthe Lord, Pfal.S7. Therefore thispriuiledge is not giuen to all a- like. Exception. This vniuerfall reconciliation is not in rcfpe6tofman,but God hinifelfe,who, bothmade it for all, andoffereth it to all. e, nfwer. 1f(Thrift becatneonce beforeGod a reconciliation for all mens Cnnes,yeaand alfo fa- tisfied for them all,it mutt needes follow that beforeGod all thofeGnnesmuE be quite blotted outofhis remembrance. For the a&uall blottingout of fins, cloth infeparably dependvpon reconciliation forfn nes : and fatisiaaiondoth inferre byGod,andthat necelfatily,the veryreal' and generall abolifhment of the guilt andpunifhmentof Cnne. O6ieF. I. Chrif+ tooke vpon him mans nature : therefore hee redeemed mans nature generally. flnfaver. I. Ir followeth not, except wee would fay thatChrift redeemed his own humanitie,whichcannot be anywaies pofsible. I I. Euerywoman doth partake the humanenature ofeuery rnan, yet is not euery man each womans husband, but hers alone with whom by the coue- nant inmatrimonie,he is madeone flefh : and in like fort Chrif+did by his in- carnation (pia -..Palo) take alfovpon himmans nature, and that common to all Adams progenie, yet is bee the husbandofhis Churchalone,by another morepeculiarconiun&ion,namelythe bondof the fpirit and offaith. Andby it the Church isbecome fiefhofhis ftefh,andbone ofhisbone. Eph.5, o.And therefore fie alone, may iufilychime title to the deathof Chrif+ and all his merits. O6ieElion. I I. Chrifts redemption is as generall; as Adams fall was: and therefore it appertaineth to all Adamspoflerit;e. d4nfver. Adamwas a type ofChrif+,andChrif+ a counter-type correfpondent to Adam. Adamwas the rooee ofall his fucceffors, or all that fnould comeofhim, from the which firfi Adatri,was finne,and death deriued againc,Chrif+he is alfo a roote,but ofthe cleft oneiy,and fuchas beleehe, to mhom, from him,proceede righteoufneffe, and lifeetern zll. He cannot be laid to bee the rooteofall, andeuerie fnguler man,bccaufe this all doenot drinke aA`ad receiue thishis rightcoufneffe, and life,