offalatation and damnation; 201 Iife, neitherare they a6lually by himmade righteous. Romans r2. t 7, r9. O6ieï'f. The benefit ofCbrifls death redounded to all. Anfwer. It did, toall that beleeuc. For as Adam deH.royed all thole that were borne of him : fo Chrifl doth iuflifie and faue all tholethat are borne anew byhim, and noneö ther. Obie7. If that Adams finne deflroyed all, and Chrifls mercie doth not faueall : then is Adams finne moreforceable to condemne, then Chrifls mer- cie is to faue. Anfwer® Wee mull notefleenre ofthe tnerreofChrifl by the number ofinenwhich receiue mercie(for fo indeede Igrant,that as Adams fall madeall vniufl,fo themercie ofChrifl andhis redemption fhould a6tually iu- flifie all) but wee mullrather meafure it by the efficacie and dignitie thereof; then by thenumber on whom it is beflowed. For it wasa more eafie thingto defiroy all by finne,then bygrace to fauebut one Man,being but meereman, could deflroy all: but to faue eucnonc, none could doe it, but lush an one as was bothGod and man. O6ieft. I i L Manyplaces ofScripture there are which affirme this, that the benefit ofChrifls deathdoth appertainevnto al.I om. i r.God bath Jhsit vp allwaderfînne, that hemight basic mercie vpon all. r ,Tire. z, . Godi-Y oddhazte ali men to bee f ued, .Pet.: ,9. God wouldnot he any topertfh,but alctnne to. repentance. fearer. I. You muttvnderfland allthat beleeue,as it isMatth. rr.a8. Allthat arewearieandheauie laden. loh, 3.6. Allthat beleerse,Gal. ;. 2, 3. The Scripturebath concludedall underrimethat the prorife bythefaithofle- fua Chrift,fbould begiuen to themwhichbelceue.AC%.I 0.43. All which beleeue. And fu rely there is as well a generalitie ofthem that beleeue, asof the whole world. I I. We may vndertfand by (all)ofall forts fome, not euery finguler perfon ofall forts. So, Reuel. 5.9. Chrifl is Paid to haue redeemed fome out of :veryk,inred,andtongue,and people,andnation. AndGal.3,28. There isneither Jewnor Grecian,neitherbondnot-free,there is neit hermale norfemale, forye are all one inChrifix /elm.Matth.4. Grill is laid tohaue healedeuerydr f afe, that is,euery kind ofdifeafe. And Augufline to this purpofehath a fit rule. All is of- tenviedformany,as Rom.5.18,i9.Augutline in his Manuel to Laurent.chap. 1,03 ftu thudfad (faithAugixfline) Godwouldhaueallto befaced, not becattfe :herewasnomanwhich he wouldpane damned, who thereforewouldnot doe mi- raclesamong,rl thé ,which would asbefaith, haue repented,ifhe had donemi- racles,but that by all risenwee fhonldvnderf1andall fortsofinen, hefeener di ftinguifherd,whetherKings, Drinateperfons,&c. And inhis booke de Corrept. & gratin,chap. t 4 It isfaid,he would haueall to be faued,foaswe mullunder. fandallfitchatare predeflinate tobe Paned, becaufearnongfthem thereare all fortsofr,;ten,as hefaid to the Pharifes,Tou tytheeueryhearbe. III. Thefe two, to bewilling to clue man, and that he Iliould come to the fauing knowledge ofthe trueth,arc infeparably vnited together.r.Tim.2.4. But the fecond we fee dothnot agree to all andeuery fingulerperfon : therefore the firfl cannot. Obie,V. IV. In manyplaces ofScripture Chrifl is faid to redeeme the Worlid,as I.ioh.a.2.11e isapropitiationforthe fins ofthewhole world. AlfThis word'