202 Theorder (the caller wordworld, Cgnifieth, L the frameofheaven and earth. I L All menboth .good and bad together. 1 I I. The companie ofvnbeleeuers, and malignant haters ofChrifl. I V. The congregationof thcEle6t,difperfedouer the face of the wholeearth, and tobe gatheredout of the fame. In this fourth fignifi- cationwe muff vnderfland fuchplaces as areaboue mentioned. Abraham is called the heirs ofthe world, Romans4.1 3. that is ofmanynations.Gen.' 7. rcrl.4 S. O6ieE4 V. Godwißnotthedeath ofa f?nner,dut rather that he repentand litee.Ezecha8.z 3. Anfwer. Auguflinein his i.booke to Simplicius,a.queft. a.nfwercth thisqueflion. Thumull, faithhe, dls7ingu0betwixt man, as hee is 4orne man,andmar,asbeitafirmer. For God isnotdelighted withthedefiruc7ió ofman, as be is man,6artas he is afiner r neither willhefirrp/y thedeath ofany sbe is it rnner,or as it is thetwineanddeftruc7ionofhis creature: but in that,by thedeteflatisnandreverseofTirane with eternall death,hisglorie is exceedingly aduanced. God therefore will the deathofa finner,butas it isa punifhment, that is,as it is ameanes todeclare and let outhisdiuine iuflice: and therefore it is auvntrueth fora man to fay that Godwould hauenone condemned. For whereasmen areoncecondemned,it muttbee either withGods will,orwith- out it : ifwithout it,then thewillofGodmutt needes fuffer violence,the which to ail nne is great impietie : ifwithhiswill,God muff needeschaurigehis fen. tencebefore letdowne,but we muffnot prefume to fay fo. O.iclt. VI. God u theFather.fa/LMalach.a.i o. Anfwer. This placeis meant ofGodsChurch, out ofwhich, al men, ttanding in that corrupt eftate by Adam , are the children of wrath, and of the diuell, Ephef. Z 2. Iohn.8. vert 44. 0.:,:ieErt. V I L IfGoddid eleO ícsme,and reieO orhers,hemull needes be (G.e9,,,,,,,),1anc) a refpe&er ofperlons. Anfver. I. One is fayd then to accept, or haue terpeOofperfons,when as hee by forge circumflances inherent in the perfon,is mooued to doe this or that : Now,as for God,he didvpon hismeere pleafureelegy} forne,and reieól others eternally,not moouedor vrged thereun- toby any thing whatfoeuer , out ofhimfelfe. I I. He is debter to none,but mayby good right doewithhis creatureswhat feemethgood vetohim in his owneeyes. I l I. It is oae thing withGod to accept of perfoñs, and ano- ther to make choice ofmen. This if wee thould not graunt,it would follow that God mutt bee deemed blame..worthie,becaufe hemadenot all hiscrea- tures moll glorious Angels. Ob1e`1. VIII. IfGoddecreed to reicacertaine men, thendid hehate his creature. Anf?er. God decreedto reicahis creature andworkmanfhip,not becaufe hee hated it, but becaufe hce appointed it to hatred. And it is one thingto hate,and another toappoint to hatred. And indeedeGod dosh not ae tuallyhate any thing,but for finne. That layingofAuguflineto Simplicius is fit for this purpofe. Yyhen Godmaketb thewicked, whomhedoth not it flifie, veff'elsofwrath, beBothit not to hate that which be made :forin that bewade than