Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

of/4luation anddamnation. 203 tbemverels ,they harm their vfe,stamey,that by theirpainesto which they were ordained,thevef isofhonourmight reapeprofile. God therefore doth not hats them,in that theyaremen, orvefels, neitherany thing t hat he made in them by creatian,or ordination. For god hatet h nothingwhich he bathmade. But in as much ad he made them veffIs ofdetlrt0. on,hedid it to i,iftrucl others. As for their impietie, whichhe netserm4.e,t.hat behateth vtterly. ,7s therfore a .ssdget hateth theft in4 man,but he doth not hatehispuniß1mexr that he isfont towork; in the mines.For the theefedoh thefrfl,the ¢ridge the latter :foGod, whereaysof thecompanicof themwhichpertih, he makcthveffels ofperdition, he dorh not therefore hate that which he doth,thaatis,thecondemnationof thofe which per.fb in their due puni/hment forfine. Obie. I X, The reprobatesarc laid in manyMaces ofScrirure to bee re- deemed byChrifi,as _.Pet. 2. r. Anfiver. Firfl,wee muff not vnderfland fuch places meant of all reprobates;but of filch as are for a time in theChurch. I. They arefaydtobee redcemed ,iufliñed,audfant9.ised;bothinth°ir owne judgements, the(, hutches alio,inasinuehas theymake ancxrerraan pro - feisionof thefaith. But this is a isidgement ofcharitie,aot ofcertaint ie.. Obie,. X. God might bee thought cruel!, if that hce had ordained, the greatc tpart ofthe world to dettrueiion. r9,,f: er. God could well enough Haire decrecd.that cuco all men fliouldutterly haue been reie ed,and yet he fhouid haue been neuer a whit either crud! orvnin& Reafons. I. He ad- iudged all and euery one ofttofe foule and wicked fpirihs which fell from hini,to ctcrnall torments. 11. He decreed alío, as is apparant by theeuent, that men should liue by the flaughccrof beads; and yet God is not therefore cr6«1 againi them : and furelyGod is no more bounden unto man, thenveto theverybruit beafis. Exception. Godappointed all to be faued,with this caueat and condition, 1 f they beleeue. e4nfver. This is abfurd toaffirme: for, I. by this meaner thedecree ofGod fltould dependupon the will ofman, when as contrarilie Gods decreeBoth limite and orderall inferiour caufes. I I. Itquite taketha- way the certaintie ofGods decree,becaufeaconditionall propofrtion dothfet downe nothing as being,or,it doth not certainly affirmeany thing. Obiedion. if the merite of Chri(á did not extend it felfe as farre as the fillof Adam , then is not the head of the Serpent broken, nor Satans king- , dome abolifhedby Chrifl. fiver. 1 his boiling ofthe Serpents head, is feene in them onely which are at enimitie with the Serpent, namely,in inch as truelie beleeue. Genefis chap. 3.verf, r 5. compared with Rom. chap.' 6. yerf.2o. To conclude, that is not true which theyfay, namely, that thisopinionof invniuerfall and effeduall redemptionofeueryfinguler man, is anotable re- medie to comfort afflietcdconfciences. For I appeale to the iudgcment ofall men,whether there is in thismanner ofconfolationjany great comfort to the confcienceafIieled, Chrifi