Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

204. The order ofthe t,tu, Clori dyedfora)men: Thou art aman, ThereforeChrift died for thee. The II. Error. Goddidforeknawthe faofAdam, but hedidnot byhis eternati' decreefore- ordaine thefame t andtherefore that hisfallmas without the agentpermigionof God. TheConfutation. falfe. For, I. There is not the leali thing innature,but it commeth to paffe by thedecree and will ofGod. Matth.r 0.3 0. Wherefore fuchasaffirme, that Goddid oneiy foreknow this, or that, theydoe either quiteouerturne the prouidenceofGOD,orat the. lean imagine that it is a very idle prouidence. I I. Thefaìof Herodand Pilate indeiiueïing Chris}agaìnft their owne con- fciences,to bee cruciñed,may feeme tobee as heinousas was Adams fall,and yet they arePaid tohaue done that,which thehand ofthe Lordhad o<c-erdaì- ned to be done. A& .4.24. Againe, the fall ofAdamwas two manner ofwaies byGods a5fiuc, or ratheroperatiue permiffion. I. In as much as the fall was n a&ion : for inGod alone weeliue, wemooue,andhaue our being. I I. In asmuch as that his fall was but abare triall ofhis loyaltie to God, whereby Godwould trieboth the power,and will ofhis creature, The III. Errour. God;v " y reafon that he did forefe thedifibedienceof förrce,or, that they would contemne the Go{pie(;diddecree their defiruaion andcondemnation. The Conf¿station. Wevtterlydenk, that the forefeeingof thecontempt ofgrace in any, was the fir fland principal] caufeof the decree ofreprobation. Reafons. I. Paul, Rom, r., doth deriue the coininon condemnation of the Gentiles from hence, namely, that theywithheld the trueth invnrghteoufnes, that is, becaufe they didwittingly extinguifh that light ()Filature, by their wicked doings, which they hadoftheknowledge ofGod, and wouldnot obey their confciences in. wardly checking them for the fame. I I. If that faith forefeene, bee not the caufe of the decree ofEleSlion, it cannot be that the want offaith forefeene, Mould be the caufe ofthe decree ofreprobation; but rather as faith doth in order ofcaufes followe after eleClion, fo muff incredulitie reprobation. For there is the like reafon or proportion ofcontraries, I I L Many infants de. part