Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

4 meson n 'antnat1On. '205 part thislife,bothbeing out ofthe true C,.hurdh,andbefore they haue any vfe of reafon :and againe many thereare,which albeit they live le:ag,yet being either idiots & fooles,er borne deafe,they cannot come to true vie ofreafon: inall vrhich,it is not credible that therefl ould bee fufpeu ed anycontemptofthe Gofpell which they could not learnt. I V. l fau was hatedofGed for none other caufe, but for thatit fo pleafed him. Romans 9.18. V. .I fib is opinion f%ovld bee true, then would it follow thatmen :fhoiki be conet- ¡lined fër no- thingelsbut- incredulitie : thewhich is notfo,lohi3.36.Chrifc (peakingof via- beleefe, faith not that for it the wrathofGod carne vponman, but remained) vponhim.Andwhy fhouldvve daily aske pardonforour finnes, ifnothing but incredulitie or vnbeleefe condemned vs ?nay, alrhou`h that there were neuer anycontempt oftheGofpell,yet that corruption ofotiginall f tine,vi trch ffi- cient enough to condemne tuen. VI. Alfo that admirationwhich Paul Bath,. U man, whoart thouwhich dii xte/7with God!dothplainlyPhew that the caufeof thedecreeofGod in reiediing fonie,isvnfearchable: andthat it clothnot at all depend vpon any forefèene contumacie towards the graceof Godoffered in theGoibell. For if it wereotherwjf ,wee iiirht calily .oiuea reafonofGodsdecree. / \uguf+.epif+. o5.faithverywell. Who h ; L h hee)cre4- tedthereprebates,but God?ai:dishy; tut `becarfeitpleafed butnly plea fed it hirer ? Oman,whoartthou that dif]utefl with God? Some diuitaesperceiuingthat this is anhard fentence,theygeeabout tomi- tigate it in this fort. Thematter, fay they, or ebieil ofpredellinatron, is a reafo- nable ereatara, and that not _implyorabfolante> confidered, but partly as itfell, partly!: ofitfelfe ,rt tunsfisbreEt tofall: and thereuponGodpreordaining men from to verlaî ing eon fderddthem, notlimply as he»'at to make themmen,btst art they wereAdomena;mightfallinto ftnne,andagainberedeemedby C'hrft,and aftercalledto the ligbtofthe cio1ielt. The efficient orfirfimotiuecaufe, was not anyfarekyownecatrfeeitherthisortbat,baat the meerewillofGod. Forheditfio- feth allthings not of,and byhisforeknowledge,but ratheraccording to thefame. But tlefè things albeit theymay fèemetobe fubtile deuifes,yet are theynot al- together tra}, iieafons. 1. The potter whenhepurpofeth tomake forme vef fell,dotl; not confider the clay,andregard init force inherent qualitie, tomake fucha veffelI, but bee maketh it of fuch and fuchaforme, to this or that vfe, euen of hisalone free-will and pleafure. I I. Rom.9.a r ..Hach not thepot- terpower to make, of the fame lampe one ve /ll tohonour, andanother to dijl,o- nour? In whichplace we.may.not underhandby the name lampe, ali rnatikirid corrupted,andfallen,and fo to be redeemed inChrift :forthenPaul would not hauefaid that God madeveffels ofwrath,hutrather thathe did forfake them after theywere made. -I I I. This feemeth prepofierous, that Goddid lira foreknowmankind,created,fallen,and redeemed inChrifl:and that afterward he ordained théfo for_knowne,to life or todeath. For the end is the ` k "` thing in the intention of the agent : 'neither willa moaskilful' workman lira pre- pare