2 * d T e order ofthe caarfer pare meanesbywhichhe maybehelped todoa thing,beforehe path fct down inhis mindeall the ends,both fuch as are uio(1 neere, and them that arevery farreoff. Nowwe know this,that mans creation, andhis fall in Adam,are but nieanes toexecuteGodspredeflination,and thereforeare fubordinate vnto it but the endeofGode decreeis themanifeffation ofhisglorie in fattingCome, and condemningothers.Thereforewee maynot once imagine that God did ísri}confult ofthe. meanes whereby he determinedtoexecute his decree,before hedeliberatedoftheeleRion,and reprobation ofman. The MI.Error. Gods callingto the knowledgeoftheGold' it v,tiucrfall,yeaof allmen and etterylinguler perfon,withoutexception. The Confutation, This is a veryvnreafonablepotation. Reafons. l'. Godwould not haueat men called, Matth. zO. r 6.Many arecalled,6utfewarechofen.Ele faithnot that all, butmany are called. Chrifi inhis Difciples fir ambaffage, charged them that they fhouldnot preach to the Gentiles ofhis comming : and to theCana- nitifh womanhe faith, it is no lawftll to give that which isholy vntodogres. hi i 3 .I I .lt is notgtvento emery one to knoo thernys eriesof thekingdome ofGod.Rom. i 6.25 ThemyieriegibeGefjell(whether it bemeant ofChrifl, or rhecallingof'heGentiles) was ;keptfecret osn the beginningoftheworld: IL There bee many millions ofmen, which ha.tie not lò much asheard of Chriii. 4.. 6. gain timespallfiferedall the gentilesto wake in their e,aMe waie.s. I I I. The greatef}part of the world bath -ever beenant of the Couenant. Ephef. 2, 12. Te were, f fay, at that timewithout chrifi, andwerea- liantsfrom thecommon. wealth ofIfael, and f raungersfrom the cosienants of ,promife,andhadnohone, andwerewithout God in theworld: hutnowye areno more flrasangersandforrenners,6gt citizens with the Saints. Obíell. Theyare faid.to be (ilzKm 1p.4 :) not fiuiplyalrenated,butahaliena.. ledfromGod : nowhowcouldthey be abalienated,except either theyor their predeceffors had been in the couenant? X18Ewer. The Gentiles are not laid tobe abalienated from the.couenant, but from thecommon-wealthof lfrael becaufè that Godhad then by certaine lawes, rites, and ceremonies vtterly lé- uered,anddifiinguifhed thepeople ofthe 'ewes from all other nations. Obtcçl. Thisgeneral' calling is not to bevnderitood (implyofthe mini- Clericoftheword, but oldie will of God, deliuered prefently after the fall in his vnwritten word,but afterward in his written word : and this allmen ought toknow, although many, through their owr.edefault, knowit not. AnEwer. ut theScriptures were committed to thecufiodie ofthe ChurchofGod,and eu.ery