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pl latt6attori af.i ttarnmaacauoz. 207 every onewasnot creditedwith them. Rom.3.a . Y'nto theZees it committed the OraclesofGod. I .Tim .3.iS.The Church is thepillarandground of rueth. Praia). 41, 19, HeJbewedhis u'ore'szvnto Iacoh,ai dlsísflatutesand 1awesto thehoufe of!frael. 2o. Hebathnotdeltfowith euerymation :therefore theyhase not 4nownehislawes.Pfal.76.!. TheLord is f wetes lyrdea, arìd in Ifrael is his :«x a"great. Obieft. The couenant ofGrace was made with Adam and Eue, andin them.all :nankinde was receined both into the Church,and couenanr andallò called to the knowledge ofGod. 4nfrer.-:I. This reafon vianreth euen common reafon and fcnfe, to fray that Clod gibing his'promife in the daies cif Adam andNoah, did in them call all mankìnde that fhould come after I I. Adambébrehis fill,did indeede receiue thégrace both for himfelfe, and for others an: and in the fall, he loft it both for himfelfe, and for all others : but after the fall,he received thepronaifefer himfelfe alone; andnotfor the whole world;otherwife the firfl Adam fhouidnot onlyhaue beena lining creature, but aquickening fpirit, thewbiichis proper to the fecondAdam. t.Cor.chap. i 5.verf.45. The Conflation, Fwe fhotrldgaunt this do irine to be true,then mull wee needes allöwof thefe abfurdities in dminitie, NA hick follow. I. That God wouldhaueall, and each fnguler man to bee fined: and withal!. he-wouldhaue forne or- dained to hatred, and perdition : or, That in regardofGod, all menare ele. ¿ked,and redeemed, but in regard of theeuent, many perifh. I I. The guilt ofAdams finne mull not be imputed to any one ofhis pofieritie,becaufe that God, hauing mercieofall generally inChrifl, did take into the couenant of reconciliation all mankinde. Now ifbut the guiltinesofAdams fall be taken, away,the punifhment forthwith ceafeth tobe apuniû ment,andcorruption it felfe is by little and little abolifhed in all men. CHAP. 5.5. Oftkeftate and condition oftheReprobate)! when they aredead. He deathoftheReprobate, is a.feparationofthebodieand the foule : (Ahe bodie,that fora time it may lyedead in the earth : ofthe foule, thatit may feelethe torments ofhell, e- uenvntill the timecfthela IIjudgement : at whichtime the whole man fhalbe cafl into ÿ moll terrible & fear fullfireof hell. i .Pet. <, t 9.B) thewhich he alfo,irent and preachedunto thefpiritsthat are in Luk,La,Pet.2.q., ForifGodflarednot the Angels that