Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

2Ö ,_ The order i tr:e miler thatfinned, but cafe themdown: into he'l,and dclivsered t h m intochirtesof darbnefe robekept unto damnation,& . The reprobatewhen they dye, doe become without fenfc and ä.lonifhed, like vnto aBone :or els they are ouerwhelmedwith a terrible horror:ofcon- fcience, and defpairing oftheir faluation, as it were,with a guileofthe lea o- nerturning them. 1.Sam.25.37. Then in themorning when the WinerasIone out ofNabal,his wifetold him tbofe wordr,andhisheart diedwiihiRhirn,and he wasltltj a f one. 38. And about ten dales after the Lordfmote that he died.Matth. z7.5. Andwhen hehadcall down: thefitterpeeces in the temple, he departed,andwent andhanged hitnfelfe. CHAP. 56. Ofthe condemnationofthe Reprobatesof the l<ffi indgement. `N the Lail iudgement, at the founde ofthe trumpet, the li- ning being flriken with horror and feare,fhall be changed in a moment, the dead (hall rife again: to condemnation : both 11 the lining and the dead all then haueimmortali bodies, but without glorie: and they (landing vpon the earth at the left handofChrifl the ludge, fiiall heare the fentcnceofcondem- nation: Departfrommeyeettrfd into euerlísí engfare,rnhich ispreparedfor the diuellastd hisanger.1oh.5.29. Andthey,tPAa!1 comefoorththat banedonegood, wnto the refurredonoflif e : but they thatbanedogeeati/l,vnto t he ref r4 eútioa ofcondemnation. Matth.z 5.41. i . Theff4.16. For theLordhimfr rfhii/de- fcendfromhearten, H t ha JOUI, andwith thevoyce of the Archangel, and w. b the trumpet ofGad,and, thedead in Chi-0 rifefiirf.i y.7he ;1111- ',re,'which- line and remaiate,beecaught vpwith then: alfo iv theclondes,tonrectethe Lord inthe ayre : andfo (halluse beeuer wt.htheLord. CHAP. 57. Ofthe esiate oftheReprobatesin hell. Ftcr that the fenrence ofcondemnation is pronounced, then foilow'eth cuerlaflingdeath: whereof this is the e.. Prate. 1 1. ThcReprebatcs are feparatcd from theprefence and glare of God. 11. They are puniíhed With etemall confit;on, and r ofi bitter reproches , becaufeall tbeir fecret wicl edre(- Vies and irones are reuealcd. x.Tìt4!.1..9, Whichfbail be punifaed with cuerla- ,ltlag