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cffitillationanddammaticn. 209 ffingperdition,from the pre inceofthe Lord, andfrom. the glorieof hispower. Matth. 5. 8. Blefed are thepure inheart,for theyfhakfeeg.od.r.Ioh.2.28. And now little children,ahide mhimi,rhat when he(hallappeare,wee maybe4old,and net beafbamedbeforehimat hisconnoting. III. They haue feIIowfbip with the dwell andhis angels,Matth,25.4r, I V. Theyarewhollyin bodieand fouletormented with an incrediblehor- ror,andexceeding great anvuifh, through thefenfe & feelingofGods wrath, powred out vpon thetafor euer. Efay. 66.24. And they!hallgoefoort h , and loof<e upon the carafes ofmen, that bane tranfgrefd againff me:for their wormeJha£i not die,neither fhall theirfirebequenched: andthey (hallbeeanab. barringvnteallféfh. Hereupon is the punifhment ofthofe that are condemned, calledHell fire, aworme, weeping, and gnafhing ofteeth, vttcr darkneffe, &c. Reue1.2 t.8. Ent the fearefull, andvnbeleeuing, and the abominable, and murtherers, and anhorernongers,andforcerers,and idolaters, andall lyerr,fhall hauetheirpart its thelakewhichburnethwithfireandbrims7one, which is thefeconddeath. Mat. x3.42. AndJball call them into afurnace offare, there ¡Z'allbçcweepingand gnafhing ofteethh.Efay.66.24, !3Coroliarte. Nd this is the UP executionofGods decreeofreprobation, whereby appeareth thegreat haft-ice ofGod in punifhing fnne : from whence allocommeth Gods glorie, whichhe propoundeth tohimfelfe, as the tanand chiefeff end in all thefe things. Therfore let eueryChriflian propound the fame end vinohiill fèlfe.Roin.9. r 4,. Whatfliallwe f ay then fistherevnrigh- teoufees with Gad?Godforbid.15. For hePaidt. .. ''fofes, Iwill banemercie on him to whom 1will/hew nsercie : andwillhartecompaffion on him on whom fwill basecompaJon. 16, So then, it is not in him that willeth, nor inhimthat run- neth,but inGod thatfbeweth mercie. r 7.For the Scripturesfaithunto Pharaoh, For thisfamepurpoft baue1furredthee vp, that Imight thewmypower inthee, andthat myname might bedeclared throughout all theearth. r .Córin. i o.2 i . It'he:herther fareyeeaseor drinl., or whatfieuerye"dosdo gallto theglorieofgod. C'Hï P. 58. Of theapplication ofPredetination. Hzright applyingof i redeflination to theperfonsofmen,isve- 1 ry neceffstie: and it bath twoparts.The firfl is,the iudgementof Il ,fil particular predéftination,and the fecond is, thevfeofit. Theiudccnrent anddire ofamansown predeftination is tobe performedby rneanes ofihefcrules which follow. , O I. The