Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

21o. Theorder ofthe cati fes L TheElul alone,andall they that areelee,l, not onely may be,batalfo in Godsgood titne,are lureofeleólion inChrifl to eternall life. r .Corinth. arra. 2.Cor.i3,5, I I. [heyhaue not this knowledge from the firfl caufes ofEle5.1ion , but-ra, therfrani the laflefffevls thereof: andthey areefpeciallymet : The teliirnonie ofGocis fpirit,and the workes ofSan lification. 2.Pet. i.r o. F,o:rt.3. r 6. I IL Ifanydoubt of' this cobmonie,it yvill appearevntothem,whether it corne from the Spirit ofGod, or their ovine carnal! prefutnption :Ertl, by a full perfwaiion ,. \hich :hey [hall haze; for the holy Ghoíl will notbarely fay it, b4utperfwadeth fach,that they are the children ofGod,the hichthe flefh can not in any voile doe. Secondly, by the manner ofnerf,vafion : for the holle Ghofl dray ethnot reaíkns front the orkcs, or \.vorthineffe of'n an,but from Cods fauour and fot?c: and this kind ofper1waionisfarrediff rent from that hichSatanvfeth. Th:rdly,by, the efectsofthat teflimonie. Fiji. iftheper. f\\haflo:z arile from Freíi mption, it isa dead perfwafon : bur contrarilie,it is moílliuelyand flirting, ifitcráj e from the holieGhofl. For fuch -as areper. Ç 'aded that they are eleacd, and adopted childrenof GO D, they will loue God, they will trufl in him, and they will call vpon himwith their whole heart.. I V. Iithe tcflitnonieof-Gods f -iris be.e not fo powerful! it the elec ,.then may they fudgeoftheir elccuion,by th:t t,therefea: oftheholyGhofl:natne- Iy,Sanlification: like as wevieto iudgeby heatethat there is fire, when wee canuot fee the flame it fclfe. V. And ofall theeftc6tsoffan&lification,there aremolt notable. J. To feele our wants, and in the bi.ternes ofheart to bewaile the offence toGOD in euery finne. I:I. To firiue againfl the fiefh,that is,to refill, and hate the vn- godly motions thereof,andwithgriefe tó think thembutthenous and trouble - forne. 111. To delire carnelUy and vehemently the graceofGod, andme- rite ofChrifl toobtaine eternal! life. I V. When it is obtained, to account it amoll precious ievkeil.Phd><.8.- V. To loue themi nilìerofGods word, in that he is aminifler,and.a Chriflian, in that hee is-a Chrifiian :andfor that caufe,if neede require,t.o he readieto fiendour blood with them.Mar.a 1.1oh.3.16. V L. To call sport God earneflly, and with tcarec. V I L To defire and loueChrifiscomming,and the dayof iudgemenr, that an endmay be made ofthe daies ofPanne. VII I. To flip all occafionsof finne,and fe- tioufly to endeuour to come to newoes of life. I X. To perfeucre in there things to the lafl gafpe of life. Luther bath a good fenrence for this purpofe, He thatwillferueGod,mufl,faith he,be,'eeue th s t which cannot befeene,hopefor that which £c deferred,and loueGod, when he ßiesrethhimfolfè an euemte,and thu s remainto the end. VT. ,Now, iffobee all theeffeasofthe ípirit arevery feeble in the godly, theymull knowe this,that God tritith them, yet fo, as theymull not there- withbee difïnaied,becaufe it is moll fure, that iftheyhaue faith, butas much as,