eìfA la tion4nddótntnátien. 2 IL as a graineofmuf}ard feed,and be as weake as a young infant is,it is fufficient toingratfe them intoChrilt,andtherefore they muff not doubt oftheir eleakí becaufe they fee their faith feeble,and the effeasoftheholieGholl faint with.- in them. V I I. Neither erufthee,that asyet bath not felt inhis heartanyofthefeof few}s,prefentlyconclude,that he isa reprobate : but let him rather vfe theword ofGod,and the Sacranaents,that he mayhaue an inward fenfeof thepower of Chrif}, drawing him vnto him, and an affnrance ofhis redemption byChretis death and paffion. VIII. No roan may peremptorily fet downe,that hiinfelfe,or any other is a reprobate. ForGoddoth oftentimespreferre tholle,vvhich did feeme tobe molt ofall etlranged from his fauour,to be in hiskingdome aboue thofe,who in mans iudgement were the childrenof the kingdome.Hence is it,that Chrifi faith : ThePublscavesa.?d harlots goebeforeyou t and, many anone is called at the elerdenthhoisre, as appeareth by that notable exampleof the theefe vpon the croffe. The vies, which maybec made of this doer}rineofpredefination, arcvery many.Firf},forour inaruéuión,weare taught thefethings. I. That there isneither anyiuf-lificationby wàrks, nor any workes ofours thatare meritorious. For ele&ion is by the freegraceofGod : and thereforehi likefort is iuflification, For,as I laidbefore, the caufeof thecaule, is the cant ofthethingcaufed. And for thisreafon, in the workeof faluation, grace doth wholly challenge all to it felfe.Rom.chap.i r. verf.5 . At this time thereiset reòrn;.nt through theelectionofgrace. 2 .Tini. i . c9. who loathfacedvs,aidcal- ledvs with an heycalling,not according too.a-r vork_es,hut accordingto his ovine prsrpofe andgrace, which wasgitaen to vs, through 6 brill lefts before theworld vras.Philip.i .29. Vntoyewit isgsuenfor Chrijl,that not onél }eye fhould bcleeue inhim,but alfofillerfor hisfsl¿e. Rom.o .1 .. Yee are iu tifledf,eey by grace. Tit. 3.5.Not by the rvorkles ofrighteoufref fe,whic dr we haddone,but acc ordingto bismercie hefacedvs. Ezech. 3 6.27.1will castle you to walk! in my f atutes. Rom.6.23.Thegift ofGoy' is eternal/ life. II. ThatAtlrologie,teach ng,bythecallingof Nati=aities,whattmen will be,isridiculous,and impious: becaufe it determineth, that fuchthall becvery like in life,andconuerfation, whomGod in hispredeftinatiouhath made vn- like. Jacob andEfau,borne of the fame parents, and almot} in the fame mow ment oftime,'for Jacob held Efauby theheele.<s he teas borne)wereofmotl unlikedifpotïtions,andhaddiuers eucnts. The like maywe fee in all twiimes, and others,which are borne at the fame time. I I T. That God is mot}wife,omnipotent,iuf},and riercifìell.O thewonder., fullriches, bothof the u'ifedome and knowledgeof God!how vrfecrchable are hishdsements,and hisn'aiespalfindingout!Ephe. r .5. who bathpredc Ziyaatc vs,tobe adopted through defies Chrj1untohimfelfe, according to thegoodplea. fareo f hidwills O 2 Second ro'