Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

212. Theorder ofthe carfex Secondlv,being the feruantsofChri('r,wcarc adrnonijfhed I. To fight againaall doubting and diffidenceofour f aluation, becaufe it neither depêdeth vponworkes;nor faith, but vpon Gods decree which is irrt- tnutable.Matth.24:.24. Luk, t o.,o. Reioyce thatyour names are writtenán the bake_ofl fe.Rom.8. 3 3. Whofnail lay any thing to the chargeofGods chafen ? it is Gad that itaifieth, who conderane? a.Tim.2.t9.This teacheth,that the anker ofhope muff be fixed in the trueth, and flabilitie ofthe immutable good pleafure ofGod : fo that albeit our faithbe fo tofl'ed, as that it is in danger offhipwracke, neuertheleffe it mull neuer finke to the bottorne,buteuen in the middefl ofdanger,take hold vpon repentance,as on a board, and fo re- couer itfelfe. I 1. Tohumble our foules under the :nightie hand ofGod : for wee areas clay in the handofthepotter. Rom.9.2 z .They through rnfädelitie arebroken of,btst that fîandet throughfaith. Be not high rninded,bartfeare. M. Togiucall glorieto God,z.Thefh2.t3.Weought togiue thanker al- way to Godforyou brethren , belatedof the Lord,becanfethat GodpathPam thebeginning chafenyoutoftluation. 1V. To bearecroffespatiently. Roin.8 29. 'Theft which he IZnezvbefore, he bath alfopredefltnate,to bemade like to the imageofhisSonne.This likeneffe to Ghrif},isin bearing aflli&ions. Phil.3,t o.That Imayk or' him,andthevertue ofhis refierreí1lion,and the fellervAipofhis oftc`lions,tobee made conformable to hie death. V. To doe good workes. Ephef. z. z o. Wee are his zrordmanJlip created in Chrif leftes to goodworkes, whichgodbathordained, that wee fhouldwalle in them.. Thus,much concerningTheologie.. -AN.