AN EXCEL LEN I' TEA tifc otcomforting fuch,as are troubled about their Predefination, ?'alienoat ofthefecundawfwerofM. Beza,toD. Andreas,in theaft of their Collogaie atMompelgart, d-c. n Nleff/faithD. Andreas) regenerationbeala7aier elated °ter tobaprifine,and remaineth infach asarebaptized,hoiw /` °'%hand the tronbledconfcience .roftheftbeeeft dandcom. ó I ` , \ i f orted,who beeaaa f theyfeele not in themjeluesany good motionsafGodsbelieSpirite ,fintdenoneother refuge,but ó Os 'theWordeandSJcramentes efpeciaaie theSacrament of ' 'Baptifine? Now this remedio woadd bee o_f fmallforce, except it bee oppofedagaintl ;hop imaginations , which thediuellcfleth into atrau6ledhéart ;yea , except ittanpht fuch, that God isgreoter then ourheart, whoinBaptifinebathnot one1 offeredvs theadoption of f nnes , bat bathindeed bellowedthefame uponvs:asit esjkidby Chriff , Hee that beleeueth,and is baptized , fhallbe faued. And byPaale,Yewhich are baptized , haue put on Chrift. Dauid beingarmed with the like comfort fromhiscircumcifton,fearednotto iopiebattell with that greatgiant Goliah: and if this were not fo, it mart Weeder fo/lame, that 'Baptifine were no- thingels but an idle ceremonie , anda/fò the perfons of,be7rinaitic would bee. thotght,tyars. Wherefore thofe 1/flittedmen, when Satav affra/teth them,mafp refit himwith there words: Departfromme Satan, thouh,0 neitherpart nor portion in the inheritanceofmyjoule, becadufe Iamkftiz -d:71 the Naneofthe holm 7 rinirte; andjoam rratlie ruade t below::o fGadbyab,Ptio::. And are there the ttrongwtapons, ahicl.fomany times, and in Co many <scrdes, havebeen obie&dagainftmeby D. Andreas? and wherebyheebath gotten the vi0o rie?Butbecaufe this his reafonis farnewhatintricate, I will explaine it after this fort. First,for the placeofScripturewhich healleadgcth, namely, that God is gre4terthenourhearts:Tt is fo far from earrfot-tin anafiliaedconfcience,that it will rather d suehim to delpaire.Neitherdoth Ieh.i.epift. 3,a o. makemen- tionof it, to cafe ftch as are inde, j)aire,fhewing vntothem by thatfentence, the greatnefTe ofGods mercies ; but rather that hee might thereby, euen- bruife inpeaces the heartes ofproud perlons, when they confider thegreat- nefl'e ofGods niaieftie . Andfor the other place, when as a man doub. rethofhis faluation , and feeleth no teftimonies offaith in hs,nfcife, (for fuch anone weheere f ,cakeof) v\ hat comfort , thinke you , can bee ha pie in thefe. O -.