2Y4 wördes: Hethat befeesteth,a'i'lisbltiz,ed,thudbe flue&For beewouldrather reäfon contrarily thus: I indl.cd am baptized, yet for all that I bcleeuenot,and therefore my Baptifine is not au. aileablc, I mull necdes be condemned. For the fayingofAugu ll. inhistreatifc vpon !ob.6,is very true,who fpeakingofSi- woulvlagus,faith, what geeddidit robin/ to be baptized? bragge nct there - fore,faith he, that their art boptized,as though that mere fa+jjcremfor thee ,to snheritthekingdon;eófheauea. Asfor the placeof Galan. 3.I fLewed plainly before , howD. Andreas did volentliewreft it tohispurpofe, Neitherare his reafons , taken from the abfurditie that woulde.followe, of more force then the former albeit beemaketh them efpeciallpiliers to vnder- prop the truth ofhis caufe. For, I pray you , is God of leffe truth, becaufe his truth is negledècd, and derided ofthem that contemne it ? Is the ceremo- nie ofBaptrfine therefore in vaine , becaufe force refute the grace offered in 13aptifine : others gyvemaybelecue D. Andreas reiect thatgrace when they haue (=hued it? What? Isnot theGofpell therfore thepower ofGod to falca- tion, becaufe it is tofuch ás belecue not,the fauour ofdeath to eternal! death ? May not the Supper oftheLord , bee a pledgeofGods couenant, becaufefo many abide theft holy iigres, or, (as D. Andreas is ofopinion) the verybo- dy andblood ofourSauiour Chrift ? And , that I may reaforifrom that which is true in the experkcnceofeucry child, can the Sun bePaid to be without light, becaufe theywhich areblind, and afleepe , haue nobenefàte by thelight ther- of, neither fuchasPhut their tiesfoclofe, that they will not enioy the com- fort ofthe light? But arnongil all ,this one is moil childifh, that D. Andreas will make this his principallrargumcnt , namely, that in vaine didmen, thus tempted, flit at all untoBaptifrne,vnleffe we conclude with him, that all fuch asare baptized , are, inBaptifme adopted the fonnesofGod. For fire, ifthis werea good conlèquent frombaptifine,it were in vaine, for fuchan affilaed. confcience,togather,vntohmfelfeateflrmoniefrom the wordeofGod, and the other Sacrament oftheLords Supper,vnleffe we make all thofe to bee in like fort regenerate and adopted , vnto whom the word ofGod is preached, and the Lordsfupper adminifired,either of vhick, for D. Andreasto affirme, is abolduntruth. But to omit this , what ifwegraunt this whichD. Andreas requireth con- cerning Baptiflne? maynot for ali that,apy that is fo tempted,by Satanspoi. lrcie , retell thisgreat cornforter,byhis ow,neargument ?after this fort I will grant D. Andreasyour qucflion : fuppofe ihaue.beenbaptized and adopted the fonneofGod,yet teeing you teach,that thegrace of God is notfo furebut that I may fal frä the fame,as indeed I reek that 1 haue greeuouíly fallen,what doe you now els but lift me vp with onehand, to. heauen,and with the other, cati me downe intohell ? What ttieaneyou therefore to teach me thofe things, which are fo farre from eating me,as that contrari':ie,theydoe more and more lay outvnto memine abominable and vngratefuli heart ? Secnow 'whatPure con.