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11$ confolation ,confciencesgrieuouflicaffii6 edmayreapby thisdohrincoftheir comforter D. Andreas. Now ifanvbe defirous to knowe , whatfpirituall comfort is moil mete to beminiftredyvnto confciences fo troubled, I will fhewe them that which is groundedvpon aPure foundatien and which I my felfe haue often founde to be true in mineowne experience : the -which alfo I purpofe to handle more largely,for the benefit oftheChriflian reader. Firíl thereforewee teach , con- trarily to that whichD. Andreas lothmoti faillie obiea againíl vs, that the eternalldecree, or,as Paule fpeaketh, thepurpofe ofGod, mufi not beefought in thebottomleffe counfcllofGod,butrather in themanifefiationofít,natne ly, in hitvocation,by theWord andSacraments. This I fpeakeoffuch as are ofyeares ofdifcretion,as theymull needs be , whomwee feeke to comfort in this place. . Nowbecaufethat extcrn:llvocation , is not proper onelyto the eleèi (for mayarecailed,bsstfcw,arcchafen)but fucha vocationas is effeduall, thatis, whereby thevnderfianding is not onely enlightened with the falling know- ledgeofGod,but in the will afro there is created a true , though not a perfeEt hatred of from whence arifethan abhorringof frnne , and loueofthat which is good , or rather adefiretowill , and do that which isright. Therefore when we fee one thus dangerouflytempted, we applie untohis atllidedcon- fcience ,that true Nepenthes , and comfortable and reíioratiue medicine, whichis taken fromGods effeetuallvocation , asit were out of an Apotheca- ries boxe. :lftherefore I haue todoe with fuchan one,whoeither was neuer called by the preaching ofthe Gofpell,or ifhe were called,yet feemeth both to hiinfelfe and others,neuer to haue regarded him that cailed:and henceconcluded: that he is not in the numberofthem,whom God hathpurpofed to take pitie vpon: I forthwith hellhim , that Satan playeth theSopifier, in teaching him thusto conclude : for thishis reafon is as vntrue,as ifa man looking at nridnight,& fee- ing that the S;unne is not then riten,fhould therefore affirme that it wouldeHe- uer rife. And this is that which when 1 obiededto D. Andreas, pag.' 48 hee very boldlycorruptingmy meaning printed this as mineof ertion, Say wstaa tna:7that isafjli ed, the_Prime isrrfrn, althougharyetit bee mot rifèas. Burl teach 'notlies,howfoeuet this deprauationofmyvcordes came fromD.Andre- as printers, or himfelfè.And whereas D. Andreas excepted, that this confolati- onwere to no purpole,becaufè he that was afilidiedMight doubt wherher this funnewould cur rife ocnot :I anfwercd to him, that which the printers haue quiteleft our,and which I will now thereforemore fullie repeat. I was woont therefore to tell thepartie thus troubled, after heehad for faken his faire and dineli l.pof tion :that although an external' vocation were not of forcee- noughto appcafe anaffidedconfcience., yet it wasofíufñcient force and cf- ieacie- againfi the diuell.For Itel him that theywhichneuer had externall nor 0 4 in-