2 t6 internall calling , they (ifvveregardanordinarie calling) mugnecdes rah t but vvhofoeuer is oncecalled,he bath let, asit were , his root in the &it etude into the kingdome ofheaucn: andvnies it bebyhis owndefault, he fhal come afterwards into thecourts ofGod,ez ro bydegrees into his Maienies pallace. And for theconfirmationofthis, I vfe diuers waies. Forwhy, fay I, doubt-eft thouofhis goodwill towards thee,who in mercie bath fent mea minifler to call thee vntohim ? thou haftno caufe,vnkffe thou alledge thenumber ofthy. thy finnes,whobath fent me to bring theevntohim. The Lord vouchfateth to bring thee into the vay oftheelen,f,whyart thoua humbling blocke vnto thy idle?and refufeh to follow him? Ifthou feelett not as yet inwardly th,Telfe to beflirreci forward, pray that thou maifl be.Know this for a moll foretruth,that thisdefire in thee is apledge ofGodsfatherliegood will towards thee. Henei;- titercanalor will bewanting to this which hehath furred vp in thee. Aftertilde exhortations, fhew hirn,how Come are called at theeleuenth houre , how the Gentiles aftermany thoufandyeeres werecalled to beGods people,howe the uerremember, that it repented me. But if!deale with fuch as haue befhre obeyed the Lords calling and either byreafonofforne grieuous finne intowhich they haue fallen, or becaufe they have abfented them fettlesfrom the Church ofG O D, or in that they,refuting inmine experience,hath befallen manie valegoon and godly perfons , vvhileft they fatisfienot themfel ues:they are fo altogetherbufily conuerfant in repre-' bending & iudgingthemfelueethat they for a while forget themercit Ofgod: fpeedie help offotne expertMinifler,mofldangeroutly tempted, With tilde, fay,1 vfe thisorder. Firfl,Idefire that they intimate vnto me,that which efpecially greeueth thé., eareofthis , thattheybeing alreadyouermtichcaft dovvne that I then, by the feuere denunciationofthe Lawe, doe not quiteouerturne them : yet fo,as that I doe not altogether withdrawe them either from condemning their former temperthe wordsofconfolation , asthat I nothing cloakeGods angeragainft them for their finnes. After I haue thuspreparedthem,I thendemand, whether they haue beenc tuer inthis cafe,orno? Nay,(fay they,for themot+part)the time was,when I pie perfon,fulloffaith,full ofhope : But nowwretch that Iam, I haue loft my pal But, fay I,whether csafideration ismoregrieuous 'auto thee ,the appro. hention