IntermiffionofCi^ds feruice. Interpretirg amifl'é. Interpreti7g well. Iut-lice inherent. 62 93 119 185 K toKill what,who,when. 90 theKnowledgeofGods law bruifeth the heart. 141 theKnowledge ofthe Gofpell. 142 Kings are fathers. 83 L Labour commanded. zo8 Labourers muttbe paid. LawofGodmorall. 49 the Lawe can notbe fulfilled in this life. I9cì tifi ofthe Law. vfeofitin.the regenerate, . 124' 46 9<,ITo Church Lawes by Crhriit. Lawe..- Lawyers finne. Leagues,which ? re lawfull. Leagues with infidels. Leagueswith the godly. Lenitie in correaion. Lending freely. Lifevnoffenfue. vnordin.ete. long, Lifepromifed to children. Lordfhipsdiflinguifhed. Lottes. LoueofGod. markesof rt. Loueof God in Chrif}. IL5 1rc ç7. 60,9'7 6 89 . 114 99 ro8 S4 34 71 55 53 148 Lineof the creature morethan God. , ..y the Lords flipper. Lower roome at table. zr Lying. 69, 117 Lucke good and bad. Luaofheart. Lutheransconfubflantiation.< 71 to I3). ABLE. M rMadnesa punifhment of fin17.e. Magifiratcs.fathers. -::: ; 83 Magifiratcs winking at fume. 3 z Magifirates tobe obe ied. _. 85 Magicke. 63 Magicians. . 48,5'5,63 Magicians not tobe fought v.dtc% ,. 66 Ñlai;c.e. a f6 Man and wife abufing theiri9iserrfie. I03 Mans creation with clrcurnfiances, ZZtothe cre..tedrnsstable. hírfz l. ?elan Gods image. ple?fareswith'c:ATn. rlartichccscondemned. , 54 Mariage to be fàn6}ifted with pray- er. 76 Mariage without parentsconfent. S8 with infidels. 60` MarieChrifls mothercontinuedavir- birie. 39 Marcion. Martyrdome. 166 Marchandife folde to an idolatrous _ vfe. 6o Matte. maynot Ueheard. 59 Maymingofche bodre. 92 Meditation of the creation on the Sabbath. 8 r Meditationof Chrifies pafhon. , 44 Meditation in the promifes of the gofpeA; IQ 2 Meanes ofGldsworPhip. 66 Members c ` lrifi. 140 Gods mercit abouehisiuftice, 58 Merit ofcoa:g,z-uitie. ofcortd:gnctie. the Mind corru.r,teçl., M l'N I á T ER 8i fa.:ers, Irlirriflers f:i,ne.> 59,83 ., 183 191 37" 32. p Ar_li1'!!;'ers ':