Miniftersdutie. Mirth at meate. Miferiesofour neighbor. Modeflie. Monaflicall vowes. Monkes. Monuments ofidolatrie. Mortification. Mourning. Mother,what. Mothers muti: nurfe their owne chiï- 89 99 6t THE 67,116 107 95 I04. 61 ItI 6o 149 98 83 dren. Mufickelawfiill. Muficke inChurches. Murdervnpardonable. N Naamans worlhip in theTemple of Rimmon. Name ofGod. goodNaine. Necroinan cie. NeglectofGods feruice. 92 59 69 120 64 62 Neighbours who and how tobe lo- ued. 82,91 Non refidencie reprooued by Scrip- ture autdCouncils. 93,94 Notions of the mind. 27 O Obedience to Godhowmeafured by him. 62 Obedience to fitperiours. 85,86 Obedience to the law. '3o enangeiicallObedience. ; 154 Occafions offlrife how ininifired. 93 Offences againtfThperiours. 88 ecjtsxlr. anfer'iours. Oldmenfathers. OperationofGod. Oppreiton.. Oriinallfinne. n9t td4. n r12701 by baptifne. s Outward aauatf tïtne. 89 89,995 83 19 109 27 I 8o 31. TABLE. Originallfume deferuethdeath. 2o5 ()dies. larvfull. vnlawfrsll. Particular perfwafìon of faluation. 143 Paines in childbirth. 22 a Punifhmentfor finne. 75 74 70. Parents howPaid to beholy. 13 Parents prolong their childrens life. 84 Patienceinperils. 52 Patiencewithpteferuatiues. 162,163 PeaceofGod. Perfe6ion offinn.. Permiflïonofeuill. Periurie. 148 32 19 69 Peoples dulie inGodsferuice. 66,67 Petition. Peters fall. Pirats. Philofophie. Phificke. Pictures. Plague. Plaies. Pledgesto bereflored. tebe redeemed. orangePleafures. Pollution, Pollution by night. the Pope Antichri9. Popifh fuperflitions. Pop ifhfalling . Popifh traditions. Power ofthe law. 76 33,18o III 99 100 57 ioo 59 92,109. 113 IOI 197,i89 103, 48 61,73 62 6a: 124 ofChriie.rdeath. 150 Preachingof the Gofpell an imageof Ghria. 59 arbegetteihfaith. Praier. Pzaleaof the faithful'. 165 toGre4turer. 45 164