THE TABLE. tomatoes. 63 a tnearres to fana`fífte Gods crea- tures. 76 Praiers on particular occafions. 16 PraifingofGod inheauen. 172 Predetlination: 20,199,2.11 it isboth ofthe Eleft andreprg6ate. 177 immutable, 178 not 6.7forefeène tvork.esiri man. -204 it way be knowetl. 210 what itit to the`Papifft, 173 Prcdetlination applied. 209 Preferuatiues againfl affaultsofrerra- ptation. 'UOCattOn. faith. fanfl,fcation., Prefumption. Pride, PromuesofGodandman: Promuesmuff be kept. 1 5 5 156 157 159 3355 55 49 1°=4 Proneneffe toditèafes,apuniíhmenr. 3:3 Pronouncing vniufl fentence. 1 1 7 Propagationof fînne. 2. 7 Profei3ionof God commanded. 52, 164 Procelíions. . 59 Prognoftications. 71 Prophehes. , 64 Drophanationsof Sabbaths.. 81 Puniflrmeritsoffinne. 33 Punifhrne.nts inflidedby fuperiours tobeborne. 86 Punifhmentshow tobeinfiiaed. 87 Quarrellings: . . R 91 Railings forbidden. Raifing ofprifesin wares, 91 109. Remitïionoffinnes. r 4.6 Reioycing at our neighbors good.9 S Rebaptizing. 135 Rebellion inward. Recreation. 99 Relikesof idols vnlawfull.. 60 Reliefeof fuchas are godly.- Remember,what it fignifieth. 77 , ReprefentingofGod in-an image. 5 8 Reprobates. 195 howfarre theymaygo irngodlines.196 Reprobates may know die Lord. r 95 hanse temporariefaith, 1:96 ibid. ibid. ibid. 207 263 ibid. 30 167 a raft of theheauenygrif tr. outwardhelixes. theirfallingfrom Sód death. condemns'ion., efface inn hell... Reprobation. ReprobateCede. 2-8 Reuerence to fuperiours with many branches. 84 Reuenge. 91 Reflitution. 1.09,114 Repentance . I-j 3 boa' in reprobates. 1'95 how in God. 10, Refurre.Rion. 17a Reading fometimes begettcth faith. 125 toRife early on theSabbath: 80: Rogues. 1.11 Robberies. ibid, theRomifh Hierarchic.. 6a Rules forthecommunionofproper- ties. 16,3& Rules forvowes., 67 Rules for equalitie in -commas. 1 i 3 Rules for the interpretationofthede calogue. 5'0' Rules for filch as would be fatted. 125 P 2_ Sabel 193