THE TABLE. table Talke. Talcs raifed. Taunting. Tempting ofGod. 107 117.119 9 54 Temptation. 32.155,158.r59 Tempter. 154 Terror ofconfcience. 29.34 Terrors for well doing. 29 Teftan)ent. 125 Thankfgiuing. 66.76.! 64.172 Theologie,what. 9 Theft how punifhed. I I I.1 I2 Thrift. I 1 2 TitlesofGodwhere tobevied. 74 Titles maybe giucn tomen. 85 Trafñcke with Infidels. 6o Tranfubftanriation 135 Trembling atGodsprefence. 34.1.56 Trials of faitsbefore infidels, 61 Trouble ofminde. 34 Truth to be fboke~n. 112 Truces. Turks We diuels fubie&s, the twoTrees inEden. Tyrants tobe obeyed. Tyrants punifhment. V \Tanitie fromAdam. Vaine-,gi.or-ie. Vertueof creatures loflbyGone. 34 Vices not tobeallowed. 116,117 d'fained f om. 119 toVifite. Vinification. 15o Vowes. 61.68 Vncharitable opini6s of fuchas feare Cod. 31 Vnion withGod. 55 Vnion ofChriffians with Chriff. 138 fpirituall Vnderflanding. I ÿ I Vniuft dealing. ao8 97 48 23 86 92 28 116 57 Vnprofitable wares. Vfurie. W Wafhing inbaptifine. Wafting others goods. Wagesdeteined. Wantonneffe. ChriflianWarrefare, Warriars. Weights falfified. Wedlocke. Willcorrupted. Will worihip. fpirituall Wifedoure, Witches. `ñr ifhing. Witnefíe. theWorkeofGod. 109 IIo 132 89 92 I 0.3 154 154 109,1 13 I07 29 61 i51 122 79.119 17 Works ofthe elec.t,howacceptable to God. 119 theWorld and parts thereof. 20 how thegadlyeffeeme oftheworld.152 theWordhow firl} reuealed. 45 the Word preached a meanes offal- uation. 45 toforwEifie Cods creatUIres. 76 Wife inhis owne conceit. 90 Widowes not to beiniuried. , 92 to Winnemen to religion. 99 Wares tobefalcable. s.13 Gods Worfhip when corrupted. 62 rneares by whichGod is Worfhip- ped. 66 Works iuflificnot. 1 79.19E Workes fore; ene. 204 Worrneofconfcience. 2o) Wholeman puniflied. 34 Worfhipp ins the beaft. " 6i ordMac's. z ZealeofCodsblorie. 63 74.151