To the Readerwhofoeuer. oDbathbeflowed on vs greatpro eritie and peace,with pfentieofalItemporal/klefings that heart canwishfor manyyeares in this land. Trofhcritie abtfed hathbene the occafion of .many grievousfinnes againf thefir,1 andfe- CONiii table : #eciallyofLAtheifine , negleaof 3 Gods worship ,contempt ofthe word, profana- tion ofthe sabboth,abufeofthe facram'éts,&c. They andfilch likefi.vnes havelong calleddownefor judgements from heaven vponvs : and therather, becaufe the preaching of the wordhath littlepreuailedto bringvs to any amendment oflife. Vi/hereuponGodhath no begun tocatifehù iugdement to riaze vpon vs,fpecially byplague andpeflilence: andthat even inthe very principal/partofthis land: wherebyhe himfelfedoth (a/s lobfaith) lob round us in the care, andpreach repentance to vs. Wherefore it.fla:;dsvsnow inhandifeveritobakeaboutvs:and ifwehastenot rc,Pentedio begin torepent: ifwehaueinformer time repented, todo itmorecame,fill. ifri) be that weshall hardenour heartsboth agaipft hisword and iudgements,andput famfrom vstheevil/dayivndoubtedby we NV needes lookeforitid.gements foremoreterrible then ever wefelt <is jet; ifnot eternal/ deferuOion. Let vs be adviledbythe oldworld, who made light ofNoahs warning , and weredrownedin theflood: by Lotsfinnes in law,who tookc theirfatherscounfell formockage, andwereburnt withfireandbrimflonefr-omheaven : bythe foolish virgines, whowerefleeping when they should haue bellefurnishing their lampes, &were shutfrom the mariageof the lambe. Andtodiree7 theefornewhat in theprat of'repentance,' have penned this /mail treatife : vfe itforthybenefite ,andfee thoube a doer ofit:unlege thou milt be a willamurderer, andshedthebloud ofthine ownefóule. Andwhereal there have bene published heretofore in English ely