Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

triofermons o fRepentrtrce,one bÿ .L'radford ;Martyr, theother by M. c4rthur Dent : f rmors indeede which havedone machgood: my meaning isnot to adde thereunto, or to teach any other doctrine, but onely to renew and revive the memory of that which they have tatght. Neither let it trouble thee that theprincipal divinesof thisage, 'whom in this treat: fe 1fellow, rnavfeesre to be at difference in trea- tingofrepentance. For/óraemake it afruite offaith con/ayning two a 'rcian(Th. parts, mortificationartdvivification : a rowmakefaith aHart of it, tot >i comm. b by devidin it into eontrition, faith; new.obedience : pinemake it b cdiv, NI?. 411 orle with regeneration. .Thedifference isnot in the (rglanceof t "'' 3 c 3 doarine,but in the logical/ :waver of hm dlzrlgit. Andthedifference far. 9 f handlirigar f th ofthe divers acceptionof repentance. it utakes two wayes,generalyand particularly. Generallyfor the whole con- verfonofafnver, it maycontainecontrition, faith, newobe- dience under it ,and-be confounded with regen.eration.It is takenpar-. ticularlyfor the renovation of the life ea' dbehavior:r : and /ó it is afruiteoffaith. And thisonely fente do I follow in this treatife. I htueadded hereto afew linesofthe combatbetweene theflesh andthe/pirit : becaufe repentance and this combat are ioyned togi- ther, and theone is notpraclifed without theothers appcares by re- foluin Pfalme. S 1. nerfr. Spirit. Haue mercy onme, ô God, according to thy louing kindnef e. Fle th . Tea, but this thineadulteriecomprehends infinite!trines: thereforeTookefor nopardon. Spirit. According to the multitude of thy companions put away mine iniquities. Fle1h. Thisfinne bathtakenflab deepe place in thee, that it will behardly pardoned. vert z. Spirit. 'Vaal me throughly frommine iniquitic, and clenfe nie frommy finite. Fle1h. Thy#ecialltrqafe is againft man. vcrf4, Spirit. Aga fini thee, againit thee, only harie I finned. Flesh. Except thisonefnne,thy life is vnblameable. Spirit. Behold I was borne in iniquitic, &c. yca,thcbell man that ù,in theprac`tifeo fgodlines,often appeares tobe vnlske himfel fe: and the came is this /fiirituall combat. The flesh