C A P. L 'That epentance Epentance is a worke ofgrace, arifingofa godly, forrow : whereby a man turnes from all his fins unto God , and brings foorth fruitesworthy a- rnenídtnent of hie. I call Repentance a worke : becaufe í,t feemes not to be a qualìtie , or verrue, or habit : but an anion of a repentant (inner. Which appeares by the fermons of theProphets Sc Apostles, which runne in this tenor, `.k5pent, torneto God, amend your hues, &c. Whereby they intimate, that. Repentance is a worke to be done. Againe,Repentance is notevery kind ofworke, but a workeofgrace; becaufe it cannot be praehCed of any, butof fuch as be in the eftateof grace. Reafons are there. I. Noman can repent, unlefheheñrft hate fin, and loue righteoufirefFe; and none can hate finne , unlefie hebe fanai- fied ;and he that is fanaified is iuftified : and he that is iuflified muff needs haue that Nthwhich unites him toChrift, and makes himbone ofhis bone, and fiefhofhis flefh. Wherefore he that repents is iuflified and fan`tified, and made a member of Chrift by faith ..)11 I. He that turnes toGod;muff finiofall be turned ofGod: and after that we are $er31.r9 turned, then we repent. Surelyafter Iwad convertedI repented: andaf- ter that I witsiniru6fedd(motevponiy thigh: I n'ai ofkaned,jea,euencon- founded, becauf Idid heare the reproch e fynÿyouth. Some mayobieet,that repentancegoes before all grace, becaufe it is f rft preached, The fief} fermon that ever was made, was ofrepentance, preached by Godhimfelfe in Paradafe to our firft parents, And ever lince the fermons of all theProphetsand Apoftles, andofall faithful' miniftershaue had repentance for their beginningand (cope. The an- (were hereto may be this : Ifwe refpea theorder ofnature, there be o- ther graces ofGod whichgo before repentance : becaufe a mans confci- ence muff in Come part be felled touching his reconciliation with God inChrift,before hecan beginne to repent. Wherefore iuflification and fanctifcationisorder of nature go before repentancc.But ifwe reIpeet time