Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

OfRepentrcc. t°tme, graceand repentance areboth together. SoCootieas there isfire, fo fòone it is hose: and fo boneas a man is regenerate, foToone he re- pents IfAve refpet`t the outwardmanifettationof thefe twaine , repen- tance goes before all other graces : becaufe it firft of all appeares out- wardly-Regeneration is like the fappeofthe tree that liesbid within the barite: repentance is like the budde that fpeedily fhewes it felfe, before either bloflorne,le.afe,or fruit appeare : yea, all other graces ofthe heart which areneedful' to faluation, are made manifefi by repentance. And for this caufe Repentance (as 'take it) is firft preached. I addefurther, that repentance rifeth of a godly forrow in thehart, aePaule teacheth. Godly -('-arroweau/ill) repentanceuntofalvationnever to z.Cor,7.z he repentedof. It is called a godly forow, or a forow according toGod, that it maybe diflinguidied from worldly forow: which is a griefeaft- .fang of the apprehenfion ofthe wrath of God and other iniferies;as fare. of rnen,lofTeofgood name,calamities ingoods and other things, which in this life follow as punilhments of Crone : whereas the godly forrow caufeth griefe forfinne,becaufe it isfnnc.And it makes any rnan,in whom it is, tobeofthis difpofirion and mind, that iftherewere no conkience to acetate, nodivell to terrifie , no judge to arraigne and condemne, no hell to torment. yet he would he humbledandbrought on his knees for his firmes, becaufe hebath offended a loving, merciful', and long fuffe ring God. Further I fay, that repentance (lands in turning againe to Gcid.Man at the firf} wasmade a goodly creature,in the imageof God,hauin ; lowfhipwith him, wherebyhe dwelt in God,andGod inhim. By finne there is a partitionmade berweene God andman': who is alienated anal` eftranged fromGod ;'and is become the childofwrath > a firebrand of Ira ,t9.zò hell the prodigal) child, going from his father intoa farrecountrcy,the Eph. ,iS. ftraying, nay the loft fheepe. Nowwhen men haue grace ro 'repent, then they begin torenew this fellowfhip,and turne againe toGod.And the very eflence or natureofrepentance confifts in this turning, Which Paul loth feeme to intimate, when he faith; That he fhewedboth to less Att.t6,z s and Gentile, that theyfhould repent and turne toGod, anddo werkeswer- t;ic a?nenr'rn nt of life. Inwhich worries hefets downeunto us a full de- fcription of repentance. Againe I fay, that repentance is a turning fromfinne,becaufe it Both not abolilh òr chaunge the fubllance ofbodie or foule , or any of the fa- culties thereofeither in whole or part : but only re. ifie and amende them by remoouing the corruptron.It turnes the fädneffe ofrnelanchö- lytogodly forow; efiallerto good zeale, fofrnefîe of nature to r -ieeke -< neffeoffpirir, rnadnefleand lightneffe to Chriflian mirth : it reformes' euery man according to his natural, CODftitutioni.not aboliíhiig it, but redreffing the faultof it, A Ili)