3 7be s og pdtlifi Further Iput downe, that repentance isa turning trots al.lfinne to. God, that I may exclude many Falk turnings. The firft. when aman turnes fromGod to finne : aswhen one ofaProteftant becomes a Pa- pia , an Arrian , a Familia. Thefecond, when a man turnesfrom one finne to an other. As when the riotous perfon leaues his prodigalities and glues himfelfeto thepraelifeof couctoufnes : this canbeno repen- tance : becaufeit is a going from one extreme to another , whereas re- pentance is to leaue theextremes and keepcthe meane-'The third is.not when a man turnes from finne, but finne turnes from him and !canes him. As when thedrunkard leaues drunkennefTe, becaufehis itomacke is decayed : the fornicator his vncleanneffe, becaufe the Ilrength ofna- ture fades him : thequareller his fighting, becaufe hee is mapped on legge or arme. The lax is, when men turne from many iinnes,but will not turne fromall. As Heroddid many things at the aduertifement of IohnBaptia, but could not be brought to Ieaue meet}, in hailing his brother Philips wife. This repentance is nothing . For ashe which is truely regenerate, is wholly in body, foule, and fpirit regenerate: fo he which truely repents, turnes from all finne, and turnes wholly to God. Neither is this to trouble any, that theycannot know all their finnes: for found repentance for one fpeciall fìnne,brings with it repentanceof all finne.And as God requiresparticular repentancefor knowne fins,fo he accepts agenerali repentance for fuch as be vnknowne. To proceede further , the conuerfion of a finner in repentance, path three parts. Thefirs, apurpofeand refolution in themind: thefecond, an inclination in the will and affections : the third, an indeuour in life and conuerfation, to abandon and leaue all his former finnes,and toim- ployhimfelfe in obedience to Gods commaundements. Laxly, this repentance muff bring forth fruites worthy amendment oflife : becaufe it cannot beknowne tobe fincere, vnieffe it bring forth fruit.Repentant finnersare treesofrighteosefneffeofGodsownplanting and they growby the waters thatflowout ofthefan5iiiarie, and therfore they muffbeare fruite that mayferueformeate, and leafefor medicine : o- therwife theaxe of Goils iudgement is laide to their rootes to hocke them vp. CAP. I I. OfthecaulsofTLepentamtee. THe principali caufeofRepentance is theSpirite ofGod , as Paule fayth, InfiruEling them with rneekeneffe that Arecontra rie mmnded,pro- uing of Godat any time roil/gist. them repentance. And Ieremie, Conlon thou me, andIfhallhe concerted The inarument oftheholyGholl in working repentance is themi- niflerie ofthe Gofpell onely, and not the lavv, Reafoushereofare thrfe. 1,Faith