Re esi ui e. 4 i. Faith isengendered by the preachingnotof theLaw, but oftheGaf- pell,asPaul faith,The Gof fiellid thepower ofGodto falrratton to Allthat be- Roma it. lanefromfaith to faith : therefore repentance which followes faith as a fruit thereof, mull needes come by the preaching of the Gofpell onely. I I. TheLaw is theminiflerie of deathanddamnation: becaufe it !hems 2..Cor.3.7, a manhis wretched eflate; hut fhewes himno re iiedie' therefore it can not be an infirumentall caufe of that repentance which is effcéluall to faluation. I I L The doÓ}rrne of repentance is a part of the Gofpell which appcares in this, that thepreachingof repentance, and theprea- uc.9.6. ching, of the Gofpell are put one for an other. Andour SaniourChrifi 6lÿ Mar. diuides the Gofpell into two parts : the preaching of repentance, and rcmiiuion offinnes in his name. I V. That part of the word which Luc z4.4.7, workes repentance,mufl reueaie thenatureof it,and fit out thepromife oflife which belongs vnto it. Bur the law neither reueales faith nor re- pentance : this is a proper worke of the Gofpell. If it be faide, that the law is a fchooletnafler tobringvs toChrif},theanfiwere is,it brings men to Chrifl not by teaching theway, or by alluring them : but byforcing ¡' e,Kto ate, and vrging them, a"gsirmte, Neither dowe abohfh the law, in afcribing the workeof repentance to theGofpell only : for though it be nocaufe.yetis it an occa(ìonoftrue repentance. Becaufe it reprefents vnto theeyeof the foule our damna- ble eflate,8c finites theconfcicnce withdolefull terrors andfeares,which though they be no tokens of grace ( for they are in their owne nature the very gates and the downe- fall to the pit of hell) yet they are certain occafions ofreceiuinggrace. The phiftion isotherwhiles confirained to recouer the healthof his patient by ca(linghim into force fits of an ague : fo man, becaufe he is deadly ficke of thedu cale of finne, muff be call into force fitsofLegali terrors by the miniflerie ofthe law, that he may recouer hisformereflate, and cometo life euerlafling. Repentance alto is furthered by calamities , which in this cafe often come in the roome and (leadoftheLaw. Iofephs brethren, when they were indiflreire inEgypt, Paid one to another, We haue verilyfinned a- garnf our brother,in that wefawe the anguifhofhidJoule when he hefought v.r, andwe wouldnot hearehim : therefore is this trouble come upon vs.And theLord faith inOfeah,l willgoandreturneto myplace,till they acknow- ledge theirfault andfeekeme; in their offln?ionwill they Pekeme diligently. And, TheIfaelitesfay,my Joulehad them (namelyafHhûions) inreinem Lam.3.2o. trance, and is humbled inme. Exampleof Manaffes. e."Indwhen he wad in 2Chr.33. t ao. tribulation, he praiedto the Lordehie God , and humbledhimfelfe greatly. AndDauid faith, ltùgoodfor me that havebeneaffiaed, that lneightPfa1139.3a' learn thy f atutes,