Aft.z.38. Thenatctrc andprhatí/ C A P. 1.11. AMR I- IowRepentance is wrotoht. Epentance is wrought in the heart by certaine fleps and degrees. First ofallamanmull haue knowledge offoure things namely of thtLaw of God, offinne againft the law, oftheguilt ofPinne, and of the iuclgement ofGod againfl fin, which is the eternal' wrath ofGod. Then in.the fccond place muft follow the pplicationof theformer knowledge to amans owne perfon,by the workeofthe' confcienceafui- fled by. theholyGhofl,which for that caufe is called thefirstofbondtse: and this application is made in a formeofreafoning, called a prac`ìicall fyllogifne,on this manner:' Thebreaker ofthe law icguiltie ofetern illdeath, faith themind But I am a breakeroftheLawofGodfaith the confcicnce,as awitnefTh andanaccufer: . Thereforre Ianogaitltieofetersagld death, faith the fameconfcience, as a Thirdly from this application thus made , arifeth feareand forow in refpeei ofGodsJudgements againft finne,commonly called thefingof the confcience, orpenitence and the eon;pHnçlion of heal t. Now this compuntion,vnleffe itsbe delayed by thecómforts ofthe Gofpell, brings men to defperation,and to eternal! dainnation.There- fore he that will repent to life euerlafting milt go feure fleps further. Firfl,he mull haueknowledge of the Gofpell, and enterinto a ferions confideration of the mettle ofGod therein revealed. Thenmull follow theapplicationofthe former knowledge by the confcience, renewedand ;frilled by,thèfpirit ofadoption, On this manner r. Hethat gualtteofeternalldeath, afhedemo hiñsrelfe , andput his affiance on the deathofChr:ft,'fhailhame righteoufne/fe andlife eternall, t th themindenlightened by the knowledge of the Gofpell : E«t I beingguiltie ofeternal' death , denie myfelte, andput all mine affi- ance in.thedeathof chrtFt,faitñ the confciencerenewed by the fpi- rit ofadoption : Therefore I pall haue righteoufne f e andlifeeverlaRinns by Ora. Thirdlyafter this application there followes` icyand,ron: boy,`be- caufe a mans finnes are pardoned in Christ: forow,becaufea man by his fumes bath dìCpleafedhim which bath bene fo loving and merciful! a God unto him. Laftly after this godly forow follovves epentnnce, called a Tranf rnentatiôta or turning ofthemind , vvhereby._a man determines and re- %Ives with himfelfe, to finite nomore ashe pathdone, but to hue in iewnefle of life. CAP.