'OfReperrtionv' C A P. 'Mi.* Oftheparts of 'kepént,tnce. Epentance hath twoparts :Mortification, andRifing tonewneii'e of life. Mortification is firff part ofrepentance,whichconcernes turning from finne. Men turne from finne, when they do not only abflaïne"froth of uall finne,but alfoufe all meanes whereby they may both weaken and iup- `prefte* the corruption of nature. Chirurgeons when they"muff cut off any part ofthe bodie , ufe to lay plaiflers to it, to mortifieit; ,that being without fenfeand feeling, it may becut offwithleffe panic. Inthe farrie manner, weare toufe all helpesand remedies 'prefcribed in the word, whichferue to weaken or kill finne , that in death it may beabolhOied. And it mullnot feenie flrange,thatI fay wemull ufemeanes tomor- tifie our ovinefins. For, how `foeuer bynaturewe cannotdo any thing acceptable toGod , yet being quickned andmooned by the liolyghoft, 4ti egirn s. we flirre andmoue our felves to do that which is true!), good. And therefore repentant finners have grace in theca , whereby they mortifie their owne finnes. Paul faith, I bear°domemy 6odteandbrie it tí1 fia6ie_ 2..Cor.9. 7. then. And,They which are. Christi's have crucified the flefh with theafeili- Ga1.y Z4. ensand-theluflsthereof. And, Aior-ttfâetherefareyottrearthly members Col.3,5. foonication,uncleanneffe,the inordinate oplion,evsll concupifcence,andcove= toasfneße. And, If any manpurge himfelfefrom thefe, he/hall be a veld "Into honour. And S. Iohn faith, Every one whichhash this hope in him, 1.loh.3.3. purgethhimfelfe, even as he lepure. And,he which is begotten o fGodpre cap, ç ferveth himfelfe, andthe wielsdone touched; him not. . . Mortification bath three parts. Apurpofeinmind,an inclinationin will. and an indevour in lifeand converfàtion tokaue all finne. Riling to newneffe oflife ,is the fecond part ofrepentance concer- ning hncere obedience toGod. And it bath.alfo three partes. The two firff area refolution in the mind, and an inclination or luflin the will to obeyGod in all things. Barnabas..exhorts them of Antiochia. ,,that with purpofe of heart they AEt.11.23, wouldclea;de veto the Lord.. Examplesof both thefe are many in refit). turcs. Of Iofhua, ifitfeemeevallvntoyou to f rue the Lord, chefyou this Iofh.z4.i ç. day whomyou wallferae,whether thegads Whichyourfathersferved, or the godsof the4morites, E c. but 1 and nay hos.-/hold trill[crue the Lord. Of David, OLord, thouart my portion , Thauedetermined tokeepe thy com- Pfal.Yr9.ç7. rttaundementsi. And, l haue fworne, andwill performe it, that 1 willkeepe verfio6. tk righreoPuiud;ements. And, When thoufaydfl,Secksmyface, mineheartPfal.a7.8." wafircred vnto t hee,OLord,! willfecke thyface.And,l haveapplycdmineVfa. t i 9,11z, heart to fulfill thyfiatutesaltrayesrim to theend.