7 The :tatureardpratiif. The third part, is an indeuour in life and conver(tion toobeyGot. A°ts,14 16. Exampleof Paul. e.,-1ndherein I take pains to have alwaies a clears con. Pfal. t t9.6. fcwence towards God and towards men. OfDavid , I have re eel toall thy veer. commaundements, And, 1havechofnthewayof truth, ttrdthy iudvments 51. have hod before rne. And, l haue cleavedto thy teflinfor, ies. Ands `Diretl 35. me /4 thepathofthy commaundements: for therein is mydelight. No manmullhere thinke, that a repentant finnerfulfils the law in his obedience: for their heft workes are faultie beforeGod. And where- as the faithfullin fcriptures are faid to be perfeft: we mull know that there be two degrees ofperfeftion : perfeftion in fubílance, and perfe- &ion in the highefi degree. Perfeflion in fubflance is,when a man loth fincerely indeuour to performe perfal obedience to God, not in fome but in all his commaundements. And this is the onely perfe£tion that any man can haue in this life, A Chritlianmans perfeftion is to bewaile his imperfection : his obedience more confif}s in thegoodwill, then in the worke,Sc is more tobemeafured by theaffeaton, then by theeffea. CAP. V. Ofthe degreesof Repentance. R Epentance path twodegrees.It is eitherordinary or extraordinary. Ordinarie repentance is that which every Chriflian is to per- formeeveryday: for as men fall dayly either more or lefTe: fo thegraces of God are proportionallyweakenedday by day. Wherefore the conti- nual) reparation therof mutt be made bya daily renuingofrepentance. AChriflianman is the templeand bottleofGods fpirit: he mull there- fore once a day fweepe it, that it may be fitte to entertains fo worthy a guell. Extraorclinarie repentance is the fame in naturewith theformer : it differs onlyfrom it in degreeand meafureofgrace. And this is to beput in praf}ife, when men fall into anyenormous, capitall,or grievousoffences: whereby theydoverygrievoufly wound their owneconfciences, and giue great offence tothe Church. Of this fort was the repentanceofPeter, when he went forthandwept bitterly andDavids repentance, after he hadcommitted adultery and murdered Vriah. CAP. VL Oftheperlons which muflrepene, NA En heoftwo forts: the naturali man, and the regenerate. Repens 1 rance is needefuli for both. For thenaturali man, that he may be brou ht fromhis firmes,and the Image ofGod retnued to hico. Some may fay, that many naturali men hueciuilly, abflayt,ing fromall outra- gious