Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

of Repenrfttnce. 8 °ions behauiaur, and therefore need no repentance. I graunt indeede they do fo : yet repentance mutt go withal!. For ciuill life without grace in C:hrifl, is nothing elfe in Gods fiß,ht-, but a beautiful!abomination. The Phatifes were civil], yet Chrifl faithof rhern,Exceptyour ri hteotel:- l JTe f neffeexceeaetríertg,atea,n ne e the,:Scrìbës'andThari /es,yefhallnotfee the: i¿ingdome ofheaven: Repentance is alfo required in the regenerate : be- caufe they haue manyunknowne &privie corruptions in them, which muff bemortified : and otherwhiles they fallgrievoufly : and therefore that they may rife againe, they tru;fl bedaily prat ifed in the fpirituall exercifes of repentance. CAP. VII. Ofthepraiafe. ofKspentance. N thepraElife of Repentance foure fpeciall duties are required. The firft is a diligent and ferious examinationof the confcienceby the Lawes and commaundements of God,for all mannerof finnesboth ori- ginal! and ae`luall. Exampleof thechildren of Ifraell. wherefore is the Lam.3.39, + ltuangman forromfull ` rnanfoffereth for his fnne : let vsfcarch and try our s'aies, andttarne agatre to theLord. OfDavid, I confedcred rtîy n'aies , and Pfal,r 19.59 turned ngfate to thy tefltrnones. TouchingOriginal! finne , this muff be well remembred , thatone man bath not orme part onlyof originall firme, and an other man ano- tl;er : oneman this corruption, another that : but everymanas he recei- ued from Adam the whóle nature ofman: fo alfo he receiuedvriginall frone, wholly.And therforeeveryman,(not one excepted,fiiuing Chrift whowas extraordinarily fantifiedby the holy Ghol} in the wombe of the Virgin) bath in him fromhis parents the corruption and fade of all finne, which is a naturali difpofition and pronefe to commitany finne whatfoever. Take a view and confider all the horribleGanes that be praaifèd in any part oftheworld, either againft the firil or fecond table : whatfoeuer they are, the fpawne and feede of them all is euen in that man that is thought to be bell difpofed bynature. Some may fay, that experience fl?ewes the contrary ; becaufe amongmen that want all maner ofreligion,fotne aremore civili and orderly; Tome againemore lewdly difpofed. Ianfwere , that this comes topaffe, not becaufe ferme men are by nature leffe wicked then others : but becaufeGod byhis . providence doth limit Screflrainemens corruptionmore or leflë,vvInch he doth for the good of mankind. For if men might be wholly left to themfelues, corruption would foexceedingly breakeout into all man- ner of finnes, that there fhould be no lining in the world. In examination of aauall finnes, three rules mull be followed. ThefirLl that wemullfearcji out notonly our grol%¡ins, but men the