Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

Iocl.z. t;. Eph.q..z;. Aft.8.z2. i.. 1013.9 z. Pfa].i9, a s. 9 ?' e mitupe ß1idprdtii e very thoughts ofour hearts. For repentance isnot onlya change of the fpeach, apparell, andoutward behauiour, butallo ofthe inward and le- cret thoughts of the heart. Therefore the Prophet loel bids the Iewes rendtheir heartsandnot theirgarments: and Paul tels the Ephefians, that they mull berenewed in thei»rit of their inindes : and Peter bids Simon Magus to repent and pray God that the thought of hidheart intybe for. glum hinn. Thefecond, that thevery circumftancesoffinnes donemull lie confidered : as the time when,the place where, and the manner how; asnamely whether they were doneofignorance,orknowledge,ofweak- neffe, or prelumption, or obttinate malice. Thirdly mexamination it is verymeete and convenient, that we paffe through all the commaun- dementsof the Morali law, laying them as molt ahfelute rules to our hearts andhues; and by this meanes we (hall be able to make large bics andCatalogues of all our Pannes, euen from the verycradle to anypart ofour age following , as the feruants cfGodhaue al wales done. Thus it will come to paffe, that we (hall plainelyfee our wretched eftate, and acknowledge that our faunes be in number as the haires of our head, and as the lands by the lea fhoare. e.4 DJRJCTION FOR EXAMINATION of the confcience. I. COM. Thou [halt haue none othergods, &c. He breakes thiscommaundement. 1 Hat knowes not the true God. Ien4.22. Thatdenies God in his heart,by denying hisprefence,iuflice,iner cie,&c.Pfal.i4,r. That hatesGod, and Climes it by difobedience. Exod.2o.5.Rom.i.3 o. That doth not feare God andEland in awe ofhim. That fcareth nien or other creatures more thenGod. Matth. io. 3 r.A- poc. 2.8. That hues inopen fins fecurely,not fearingGods word or judgements. t .Theff.. That is forowfull for his Pinnes, onely in refpe ì of thepunifhtnent. 2, Cor. 7. to. That feares God by mens traditions. Efa.29. t 3. That doth not beleeueGods word, but cals the Canonical)Scripture in queltion. That defpaires of Gods mercie. That bath a dead faithwithout workes. Iam.2. That puts his confidence in the deuill and his workes, as fcekers towi- lards do. That