Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

® Repei1ance. io That loues thecreatures, as richesand honor,and his owne filehyplea- lures more thenGod. Eph. 5.5. That puts confidence inhis ftrength , wifedome, riches, phifitions. z, Chr.t6.9, z t. That is impatient vnder thecroffe.Math.zo.3 8. That tempts God. Math.4.7. That fcekes for the things ofthis life, more then for Gods kin;dome. Math.6. 3 3 That murmures againflGod. That difputes and holds there is no God. That holdes and maintaines opinions againfl the auncient faith let downe in the writings oftheProphets and Apoflles.As did theMa. niches,Donatifts, Arrians, Anabaptifls, &c. That foholdes one religion, as he is ready to follow another. i.Kíng. t8.2í. That is full ofprefumption ofGods mercie.Efa.7.12. That fats away from theknowne truth. 2.Pct.2.2o. That addes to Canonicall fcripture.Deut.12. lafl verfe. H. COM. Thoufhalt make to thyfefenograven Image,&co Hebreakes this commaundement, THat reprefents God in an image.Exod. 32.6,& That worfhippes God in or at images, as crucifixes,and fuck like. 2.King.t8. 4. That kneeles downebefore an image. That is bodilyprefent at Maffekeepinghis heart toGod.i,Cor.8.9. That retaines the monuments ofIdolatrie. Exod, 23. r 3. Thatmarieth with infidels orfuch like. Gen,6.2. That makes leagues ofamitie with fuck. 2.Chr.r9.t. That worfhips God according tohis owne fantafie. Co1.2.23. That worfhips God with lip -feruice, Ifa.29.13. as our commonpeople do, which placeall the feruiceofGod in pattering and mumbling ouer the Creede and ten Commandements for prayers,and the Lords praier without knowledgeof themeaning. That hash the power ofgodlines, but deniesthe force of it, 2.Tim.3.5. That glues worfhip to creatures, asSaints and Angels. Pfal. i z 5.8. That refufeth toheare the preaching of the Gofpelh Lulea4.19. That negligently worfhips God. Rev. z. t 6. That omits inuocation of Gods name. Efa.64.7. That heares fermons, but whenhe is reprooued, railes andrages, and profits nothing. Amos.5.i o. That changes the vvorfhipofGod inwholeor in part.Dcut,a 2.32.