>E:Y rhe aáztur.e ardpráai¡e That makes eit'zercpÑn or ëc:ret 1ea 5,f uewitÏt thederiilLAfâl.5g.6. n iri.hct'aEt, forcené; or enÿhailtm:altj.,I,3eut. iS, I;I.Le'vit. I 9. 26. Thatconfùlts with wir:irrls Levit.-,,c, S. T,,,^ ,,c.ases Auks about.l_is necke j and puts coni- , d=_'>lcein Thar 1:lncders'íchooles ofreltglon and good iearnin;.Ifal,4.6;7, That leckes not (within ticcompatie oflzis calling ) the good cuate of Gods Church: but ii:ekes his owne things. Pîal.l3a.3,4, III. COM. 7hotfhalt .not take then meofzhe Lord, d,c, Hebreakes this comnmundement, ° Hat cloth unrevcrently!ife Gois i.=;,t1es in his talke..I'híl.z.ro. That fveares to do a thing lawful! and good, and yet cloth it not. Math.s.a3. Tlïatf,veares ra!hly. Terem.q..,. That ufeth cuEloniable fwearing inhis common talke. Math.5,37, That blafphemes the name ofGod. Lev1t..4.16,. That fweares falfely. loh.4.44. That fWeares again it pietie and honeflie. That ufethcurling nd banning. That finds fault with thecr'eatures ofGod. t.Cor,to.tö That fweares rsti tie creatures. Math.5-.34,35. Thatufeth lots in fporting. Prov.16.33.and 18 i$. Thatmakes and ufeth charmes ofhearbesand other things.Deut.i$.Ir. That makes lefts ofthe fentencesandphrafes ofScripture.Lfa.66,2. That ufeth figure ca[ling.hfa.47, t3. That doth lightly regard Gods iudgements.T-Teb.,a r 6. That living difíßlutely in religion, makesGods name evil fpoken ot': z.Sam. t z.r s. t.T?et.3.i s. That makes a vowofcontinencie, or ofany thingnot in his power. That makesa lawful! vow,and keepes it not. Dent. z3.zi, That receiues bletlîngs fromGod,and is not thankful. Luk 17.$, That teacheth the truth,but cloth not praF,ltè it. Math.23.2. HU II. COM. ,emembcrthe Sabb7th HeLreakes this commaundement, THat labours in the fervile -Notices ofhis ordinarie calling,.lvehem. . That travailes abroad on his ordinary bufinefle, bt 3d:t6. 24. Thatiq,cpes faires and markets on this day.Nß.aeixa.13.15. That