Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

DfRepefituIce. That workesharvef1 worke on this day. Exod. 34.2r. That ufeth fports and recreation caufingdiftrattìon. r, . That fpends the day in idlencife. Efa.5.8.z 3. That keepes the Sabboth only in outward faion. That prophanes it by gluttonie and drunkenncffe. That gives fervants libertie todowhat they lift. That brings not his family to the congregation to heare Gods word, and to receiue the Sacraments. That fan.`tifiesnot the Sabboth in his family privately , by reading the word, by conference on that which bath bene heard in thecongre- gation, and byprayer. V. COM. Honour thy father, &c. Hebreaketh this commaundement, Hat thinkes but a thought in hismind tending to the difhonour andcontempt of his neighbour. That mockes or reviles, or beates his fuperiours. Gen.9.a2. That difobeyes their lawfull commaundements. Rom.z .30. That is unthankfull to parents , and will not relieuethem ifneede be. 2.Tim. 3.3. That difobeyes God toobey them. Aft.4.z9. That exalts himfelfeaboue the magiffrate. a Thcff.2.9. That ferues his mailter with eye- fervice. Coloff. 3.22. That governes his familleand thofe which are under himnegligently. z.Tim.3.4. That is flacke inpunifhing faults. z.Sam.2:22. That is too rigorous in fpeeches andpuniflaments.Eph.6,9. That marrieth without parents confcnt. That choofeth his calling without parents confent. Num.3o, That thinkes better ofhimfelfe then ofothers, Rom.I2.zo, That defpifethaged perlons. Levit.z9,23. V I. COM. Thoufkltt not kg, He breaketh this commaundement, Hat thinkes but a thought inhis heart tending to the hurt of his !, neighbours life. That beares malice to another, t.Ioh.3t 5, That is given tohaffincffe.Math. 5.22. That ufeth inward fretting andgrudging.Iam.3.z4, That is froward ofnature. hard topleafe. Rom. z.3 z. That is full ofrancour andbitternefhe. Eph.4..31. B