3 TheNottlie andpr fiÇe That derides and fcornes -others. Gen.21.9. Gal.+29; That ufeth barer,v.,ords andrailings. Prov.12, That ufethcontending by words or deeds, Gal.5. -o. That ufeth chidingand crying out. 411.4.3 I. That is given to make complaints of his neighbo:ir inall places. Iam. 5.9 'Riot is a fighter.Iatn.4.r. TThat hurts or maimes his neig,hboursbodie. Eatod. 21 .24.. That will not forgive an offence. Math.5,2 E. That will firgiuc, but not forget. That loth fare well hinl(elfe, but giues not alines to relieve the powre. Luk. t 6.19. That ufeth crueltiein punifhin ; rnalefaCtors. Deur.22.6. That denies the fervants or labourers wages. lam .5.24. That holds backe the pledge: Ezech.18.7, That Felsbydiverfewatghts and meafures. That remoucs the land marke. Prov. 22.18. That gives his goods upon ufurie : which is limply to binde a man to returne botli the principali and the incïeafe , onely for the lone. Ezec. 18.1 8. That byhis loofeneffeoflife is an occafion why other fume. That moves contention and debate.Rom.i,29. That being a niinifter teachetherronioufly. That teacheth flackiv. Ierem.48.Io. That teacheth notat ali.r.Tim.3.2. That hinders mens falvation anyway. Math. 23.13. That feckes private revenge. VII. C® M. Thoufstltnot commit &&c. He breakes this cotnmaundcrnent, THat thinkcs an unchaft ,thought tending to adultcrie, orto any inaneofthat kind. That lookes on a woman to hitafter her. Tv1_ath.5. 28. That commits inceß. Lcvit 1 8.z2. That commits Sodomie. r.Cor,6 9, That cornmirsfornication with maried. or Engle, or contraaed foikes. Deut.22.22. That ufeth mariage bed intemperately. That lieth with a menflruous woman. Ezec,18.6. That ufeth wantonneflk. I.Cor.6.9. That ufeth occafions and provocations to lufl.Galat.5.9a "That is given to idlcncffe. That