Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

OfRepentance; That weares wanton and light attire. I.Titn.2.9. i.Pet.3.3, That ufeth light talkc andreadingof loue- bookes. t .Cor. 15. 5. That frequents lafcivious places. Eph.5,3. That delights in wanton pieaves. t.Thefí. 5.23. That ufeth the mixt daunting ofmen and women. Mark. 6.22. That keepes companie with light and fufpeaedperfons. Iprov.7.2. That negleas to difpofe his children in mariage in convenient time, r.Cor.7.37. That makes mariages ofyoung children. That puni(heth adulterie with finall punifhments. That marietb more wives then oneat once. Gen.2.24. That loves his pleafaremore then God. 2.Tim.3.4. That takes care to fulfill the lulls of the flefh. Rom.t3.i4. That maintaines and frequents fiewes. Deut.z3. i 7. That is given to drunkenneffe and furfetting. Ephef 5.i 8, That gives himfelfe to wine, fleepe, and cafe. Prov.2o. i 3. That for the avoiding of fornication marries not.I.Cor.7.2. That putsaway his wife for other caufes then for fornication.Mat.r9.9 V I I i. COM. Thou fhalt notfleale, He breakcs this commaundement, TI-Iat thinkes but a thought tending to the leas} hinderanceof his neighbours welfare and good eftate. That lives in nocalling, 1.Theft 3.i t. ThatnegleEls his calling. Ierem. 48. io. That fpends his wealth in riot,and provides not for his family. i .Tim. 5.8. That is not content with his dilate, but fakes to berich.'.Tim,6.i o. That (cis the goods of theChurch, or buyes them. Malac. 3.8. That feiles fuch things as are manes to further idolatrie, or anyother fnne. That ufeth powdering, flarching, blowing:, darke fhops, to let a glofe onhis wares, and make themmorefaleable. That conceales the fault of his wares. That ufeth fifeweights aud meafures. Lev.i9.35. That ufeth words ofdeceit,Prov.2o.14. That takes more for his wares then the lull price. Mat.7.i 2. That opprefreth his tenants by rackinghisrents,Habac.2.x is That ufeth ingroi`ng of wares. That railth the price, onely in confideration ofa dayofpayment, That either gives or takes bribes: Ifai. 1.33. Pfa18i. That writesletters of affetion iza wrong fuits. __. ail