f Thenature andpr cliff That holds backe things borrowed. Ezec. i 8.7. That holds backe thinkes found or pawned. Levit,6.3. That beingluftie hues by begging , That relieved) filch. 2.Thefï;3.1o. That for gaine defends bad cauf1sand dela}yes fuites in law. That layes burdens on thepeople without rneafare. lifai. x, 23. Ezec, 22. 27, That fpends the Church goods in riot. 1.Tim. 6.9. That makes marchandife ofGods wordand facrarnents. Mich, 3.11. 2.Cor.2.laft. That gets his living byoffing offigures and byp°ayes. Ep'14.28. That is rah in furetifhip.Prov. 1 I.1 5. & 17.18. That {'.ales mens children, todifpofè themin mariage.t.Tim.r.r o. That takes by ftealth the leaf' pin, though it be for the bell end. That is a receiver ofthings,ftolne,and giues confent to the fart anyway, ROM. 1.29. That ufeth deceit in bargaining. r.Theft4.,6. That reflores not things evil gotten. Ezec13.1 S, That keepes backe goods given to the Chu:ch. A61. 5.3. That wanes for a,dearth to fell his things dearer. Amos.8. , IX, COM. Thos fbsalt not leave, &c. Hebreakes this commaundement, THat dot) but conceiue a thought of difgraceagainfi his neigh. boor. That envies at the profperitieof hisneighbour. i.Tirn.6.4. That feckes onely his owne goodreport. That is fufpitious.i.Cor.13.5. That gives hard or rafh fentence againft others. Mat.7.r. That taketh mens fayings and doings in worfepart. Mat.26.60. That accufeth one falfely.l .King21. That makethor reported' tales openly or in a whifpering manner. Le- vit. 19.16. That receiver) tales. Exact 23.T. That fpeakes the truth ofmalicc:Pfa1.52.1,2. That blazed) abroad mens infirmities í lat,i8.17 That ufeth quipping and taunting..Lphef. 5.4. That ufeth fatterie. Prov. 26.1 n. That lveth though it be for never fo good an end. Zach. a 3.3. Thatdefends an evil cauC, and impugnes the contrarie. That writes or fpreads libels. X. COM.