Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofPepeittnice. 16 X. COM. Thou fkalt not lrtfi. Hebreakes this cornmaundement, THat thinkes an eviil thought againfi his neighbour, though he meane not todo it. That conceives force inward delight in formevill motion, though he giuenot confcnt topraCiife it. SINNES DIRECTLY AGAINST THE GOSPEL L. He finnes againfl theGofpell, l T Hat denies either directlyor byconfequent that Chrifl is come in the fle1h. t.loh.4 3, 8. That treacles under foote the bloudofChrifi. Heb.r 0.29. Thatbeleeues not the remifíionof his owne finnes,and acceptation to life everlaffing. r.Ioh.,.23. That repents not,but hardens himfelfe in all his bad wayes. Rom.2.4,5. Ierem.8.6. 3 Hus much ofexamination : now followes the fecond duty, which is confediion of finne unto God , which is very neceffarie. For the right way to haue our finnes covered before God is, toUncover and ac- knowledge themunto him. For he will iufhfieus if we condernne our felves, he will pardon us, ifwe , as being our owne enemies, accufe our felves : heforgets ourfinnes ifwe remember them: when weare vile in our owneeyes,we areprecious inhis: and whenwe arelofl to our felves, weare foundof him. Thatconfeflîon maybe rightly perfourmed , a notable'dutie is to be put in praelife in it: namely, the arraignement of a repentant únner, whereby he fudges him f ,that he may not be iudr.,dof.the Lord. Thisarraignment hath three fpeciall points in it. Firfi ofall,hemull bring hirfelfe forth to the barre ofGods judgement:which thing he doth whenhe Pets himfelfe in the prefence ofGod,as though even now thedayof judgement were. As S. Hicromedid , who al wayes thought with him felfe that he heard this voice founding in his cares, Rafeye deadandcome to iudgement. Secondly hemull put vpan inditementagainfl himfelfe;byaccufing himfelfe beforeGod, by acknowledging his knowne finites particular- ly, and his unknowen generally,withoutany excufeor extenuation,or defence, or hidingOf the leaft of them. ExampleofDavid. I know mine iniquitie,and ray fnne id ever beforeme : againfi thee, againfi time only have l finned, anddame thin main thyfight , ere. behold,' was borne in inigtsatie, 13 iij