'7 rhè natureandpra7i /: i.Chr,st 8. and irzfnnebathmy mother conceived me. And , I haveinnedready , be- calife I havedone thisthing: but now, I befetch thee, remove the iniquitie of Ezra-9.6, thyfervant :for Ihave done veryfoola,'7iiy.Of Ezra,0 nay God lasn aj7amed andconfounded to lift vp mine eyes unto thee., my God:for our inigtaities are increafed over our heads, and our trefpafr ís growen up unto heaven. Thirdly, hemutt with heavineflëofheart as a iudge upon the bench glue fentence againfI himfelfe, acknowledging, that he is worthy of e- verlafting hell, death, and damnation. As the prodigall child , Father, I haVefinnedagains`I heaven ,-and agatnfti thee, andana net worthy tole cab Dan9.1. led thy childAndDaniel,We have',frnnedand committed iniquitie,and have dore wickedly : yea, the have rebelled andhave departed from thy precept:, andfrom thy iudgements, &c. O Lord , rsghteoufne(fe lelongethunto thee, lob39 36. anduntousopen flame. Of Iob,Rehold, lam vile,what fhalll anfwere thee? dk4z 6. Iwilllay gray hand tapon nay mouth. And, I abhorre wy(elfe and I repent in Luì .18.13 dull andaJhes. OfthePublicane, Whoffasadin,. a Carre o would gat lft rap (o much as his eyes to heavingbitfi ofe hisbreaft, faying, Lord be mer- cifuft to meafanner. As forconfetlionof finitetomen,it is not tobe ufedbutin two cafes. Mar. 5. Firfi, when Come offence is done toour neighbour: fecondly,when cafe Iaan.5.17. and confort is fought for in trouble ofconfcience. The third - dutie in thepra&ife of Repentance is Deprecation,wher by we pray toGod for thepar-dOn ofthe fin ties which have bene con- fef edwith contrition ofhesrt,with earneftncífe and conftancie , t.s for the weightieí} matter in the world :: And here wee mull remember to behave our (elves to God as the poore prifoner doth at the barre , who when the fudge is about to giuefentence, cries unto him for faveur as for life and death. And we mutt do as the cripple or lazar.man in the _way: fit downc,vralappe.our legges and armes,and fhew tieforesofour fumes; crying toGod continually..as they do ( Lool`ewithyouo. ye,and panic withyour heart :) that We may find inercïe at Gods`hands, 'as they get aimes at the hands ofpaflengers. Thus Mal infirueleth the peo- ©fe.14.2.. ple,0 Ifrael,rettarne'unto the Lord.thy God: for thou haftfallen by thine Otte : take unto 1 oti 'words , and tvtrne unto the, Lord, and fay unto Hats, Ta "away all tasgtiticondréceaue. +es racioe l:"fowe.will rende,Jheëithi Dan.918,19 calves of our lippe;. Of Daniel, bvc''co "atprefent'our ¡`upplacaiionhefore thee for our oWrertghteoret s b.tt for thy gre'át tender mercies.0Lordhearr, O Lordforgiuc, -O Lord confider and do it: deferre notfor thin o&ne names Pfa1,51.t. fare, Owy Gor) OfDavid. fiviiiiereie uponme, OGod, according to thy lovtna (andinf fc Re:Cli^drnf to the rtaieltitude of thycompafoenplut arraynaine aat futi s TheTali dtltte rs; to piny to#Goil for ptIce and firenath,wherebywe Pfa1.119,40, may be inablcd to waike innewneffe of life OfDavid. Rc old1f aeßre f f And)? dq ifaf.lot3. tu thy corsat7aaaaràlettaetztr, erte.en i<ae in tl)- reghtcuu tar . thy