Perkins - BX9315 P465 1597

ofRepentance. ' z thywill,far shots annoyGod: let thygoodfpirit leadme into the laidofrigh- teenfne,Jè. C A P. VIII. Oftegallmotisses to repentance. Otiues to Repentance -are either Legal' , or Evangelical!. Le- gall, are fuch as are borrowed from the law : and they are three efpecially. The fir.{I is, the miferie and curled eflate of every impenitent fanner in this life by reafonofhis finnes. His miferie ( that I mayexpre{TTe it to the conceit of the fimplefl) is even-fold. Lwithin him. 2. before him. 3. behind him. 4. on his right hand. 5. onhis left hand. 6. over his head. 7. under his feete. His miferie within him is twofold. The firfl is a guiltieconfcience which is a veryhell unto the ungodlyman. For he is like a filly prifo- ner, and the confcience like a gayler which followes him at the heeles, and dogges him whither foever he goes, to the end hemay fee and ob- ferve all, his fayings and doings. It is like a regifler, that flues al- wayes with the pen in his hande, to record and inroll all his wicked- nefle for everlafting memorie. It is a Title fudge , that fits in the middle ofaman, even inhis very heart, to arraigne him in this life for his fins, as he (hall be arraigned at the la(I judgement. Therefore the pangs, terrors, and fearesof all impenitent perfons, are as it were,certaineHa - filings of the flames of hell fire. The guiltie confcience makes a man like him which lies on a bed that is too lirait, and the covering too fhort; who would with all his heart f'eepe , but can not. Belfhazzar [fai.z8.zo; when he was in themidfl.of his mirth, teeing the hand writingon the Dan.5.6 wall, was (mitten with great feare, toas his countenance chaunged,aad his knees fmote together. The fecondevil' withinman is,thcfearefull ílavery andbondageun- der the power ofSatan t!,e princeofdarkeneffe : in that his mind, will, and affeEtions are fo knit and glued to the will of thedevil', that becan donothingbut obey him, and rebel' againfl God. And hence Satan is z.Cor.q,q.. called the prince ofthis world: which keepes the holdofthe heart as an armed captaine keepes a (Conteor caille withwatch and ward. Themiferie before mar,is a dangerous fnare which thedevil'. laies for the dearu`tion ofthe foule.I fay it is dangerous : becaufe he is in fett , { $iiij