rg thektitirt dprd10. ofit twentleorfotirtyyeares, before hearikes : when SS (Cod ictitiWes) men do lttle thinke of it. It is made ofthree cordes : with the fir!%, bee brings men intohis fnare: and that he Both by covering the miferie and the poyfonof finne ; and by paintitrout to the eye ofthe minde, the deceit'ull profits and pleafures thcrof.With the fécond, he bopples and infbares them : for after that a man is drawne into this or that tinne,the devil! bath fofuered it over with fine delights,that he cannotbut needs mull bue and lie in it By the third, he drawes the fnare, and indevours with all his might tobreake the necke of the foule. For when he feeth a fit oportunitie, efpecially ingrievouscalamities and in thehoure of death, he takes away thevizar offinne, & íhewes the face ofit in the true forme, as ougly as himfelfe : then with all he begins (as we fay) to Phew his bornes ; then he raged) in terrifying and accufing , that the fouleof man maybe (wallowedvp;of thegulfe offinali defpaire. Themifery behind him, is the francspall. TheLord faith to Caine, Gcn4.7 1fthou doeft not well,f4ne lyeth at thedore. Where finne is compared to a wild beats, which followes a man,whither foever he goeth , and lyeth lurkingat his hecles. And though for a time it may ferme tobe hurtles, becaufe it lyes a ílecpe : yet at length, unleffe men repentit will rifeup, feazeon them, and rend out thevery throates oftheir foules. lob in his Iob.r;, aflíi£uiorfaith,Tboabrae( bitter things again,( me, andmakeß,ne poffe Pfat.as, the finnesofmymouth. AndDavidpraieth, Forgiveme thefins ofmyyottth. Ifthe memorie offinnes pall be a trouble to the godlyman, oh what a racée? what a gibbet will it be to the heart of him that wantsgrace? The miferieon the right hand is profperitie and cafe : which by rea- Ezec. r 6.49. fonofmans finnes is an occafionofmany iudgements. In it men pra ui- fed the horrible firmes of Sodome : it puffes vp the heart with devilifh /4'11rfo pride, fo as men (hall thinke themfelues tobe as God himfelfe, as Sena- I cherib, Nebuchad-nezzar, Antiochus, Alexander,Herode, Domitian did. It fieales awaymans heart fromGod. andquenches the fparkcs of grace. As the Lord complained) of the Ifraelrtes. if/Jake veto theewhen Iere.zzzr, thou waft inproferttie: but thosefaidfl, 1 will not heare : this hathbene thy mannerfrom thyyoeeth.lt is like the 'vie thatembraces the tree,&windes round about it,but yet dráwesout the juiceand life ofit, Hence is it,that Prov.1.3 r. many turne it to an occafionoftheir defirution. Salomon faith, Prome- ritieoffooter delreyeth them.When the milt fwelles,therefs of the body pines away : and when the heart is p=aft with pride; the whole man is in danger ofdeflruCtion.The fheepethat goes in the bell paliure, foonefl comes to the (laughter houle: and theungodlyman fartes himfelfe with Rem9.2, t. continual! profperitie, that he may the fooner come tohisowne dam- nation. Themiferieon the left hand is Adverfitie, which flands in all maner of loffes and calamities, ingoods, friends , goodname, and fuck like.